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nebulisation and Insurance


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Hi does any one have to nebulise their parrot daily?

My Congo African Grey, George has to be nebulised three times daily using a medication/disinfectant known as F10 prescribed by the avian vet. He is also currently receiving antibiotics, as he has a respiratory problem.

My insurers have also written to say they will no longer cover Georges vet bills for anything to do with his respiratory system but they still want the same premium.:angry: Is this normal?



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Yes, the pet insurance companies are notorious for being very vague in their policies, exceptions and maximum $$$ per year allowed.


Every company is different, so it's up to you to read and interpret it. If you find they are in error, relentlessly go after them to re-evaluate their determination.


Not much else I have in the way of information or suggestions Steve.


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Given the premimums pet insurers charge, I think it might be better to put the money you'd pay for an insurance premium into a savings account and let it accumulate interest. At least that way you won't have paid out your premiums for not. I know that's not helpful once you have a problem and need coverage, but it might be a good preemptive measure.

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I would also like to know more about the insurance ,as my vet drives a Porche.The only good thing is its at the end of my street.Hope your birds dont have to suffer because your insurers are bailing out that sucks.I work with insurers every single day ,trust me there job is to bring the money in not pay it out so choose wisely,,Ps if your insured by a little lizzard with a tv spot its all hype..

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