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Our third anniversary


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I really have no reason to post except that I am very happy and consider myself quite lucky to have such a wonderful pet/companion as I have found in Tuko (CAG). He constantly makes me smile and life would not be the same without him. Thought I share that. I am sure y`all can relate.

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Lillian that is wonderful to hear! I visited Tuko`s web pages, you have some excellent photos there, and I enjoyed hearing him talk as well. It`s interesting to compare his "voice" with my CAG`s. I know I can certainly relate, half of my daily laughs come from Bey the Greyt.

You and Tuko are blessed to have each other!

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Thanks John, he is is a sweetie..isn`t he?? :) The answer to your question is no, I did not make that particular playgym. The playgym is made of sandblasted manzanita wood and it was purchased in San Francisco when I still lived there. I did make two smaller ones and I am in the middle of putting a similar large one together so that each of my birds can have their own. There isn`t much rocket science involved. I am using guava wood (hard wood just like manzanita, a definate plus if your bird is a chewer) from my property and having the local carpenter make a base on casters so that I can roll it around and catch everything. Dunno where in the States you are...but manzanita wood is not hard to come by up there. I found it in pet stores, bird marts and even purchased a few pieces thru eBay. If you`d like I can take a picture of the whole thing so that you can use it as a model. It is the best and both of my boys love it!

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Yes I would love to see a picture of it. I live in Canada and find it hard to find large pieces of manzanita. I have been looking on the web thinking that I would order one from the U.S but I haven`t found anything I really liked. The bits and pieces that I saw of yours looked interesting though. And most of all Tuko looks very happy.

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Hi. Your bird looks very healthy and vigorous, as do my two CAG girls. In addition to lots of regular toy changes, good diet with fresh fruits and veggies, calcium, challenging fun, I think the secret is how much they love and benefit by their daily evening bath. I put them on the top of the shower and spray them thoroughly with atomized warm water. They love it, and I think it accounts for their constantly improving appearance. Just curious to know if you shower (and others) your bird?

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Thank you :) Yea, both my birds get showers. Either I take them in the shower with me or they go outside and they get thoroughly misted while in their cages. It is the latter that they both seem to enjoy best. I am not sure if this is because they are outside getting some sunshine while getting a shower, or because I usually take advantage of the situation and clean their cages (using only water) while I am at it, or the combination of all three; shower, sunshine and clean cage. Now I have a question. In your post you say you mist your birds thoroughly in the evening??. Are they dry by the time they go to sleep or do you use a hairdryer. I`ve read that some people actually do that. When I mist mine it takes them a couple hours to dry throughly, especially under their wings and I would never dream of bathing them in the evening. It is colder and too close to their bedtime, they would never dry before that. Anyways, just wondered.

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