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Determining the age of a grey


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Gah another topic for me to add, I have a hatch certificate for me grey (Clëo) and was told she is now coming upto 5 months old, born 29/10/07. I was aware that upto 6 months of age their eye colour is dark grey to black, yet Clëo had a medium to pale grey eye colouring. How acurate is this visual testing for age? she has a breeder ring etc, but I'm not entirely sure :) wouldn't matter to me what age she is, I love Clëo more than anything, but I ended up paying a couple hundred more for a younger grey :( so I'm worried she's taken more money from me, which is a tad annoying, as I think she had older birds for sale for a lot less. :whistle: I just want to make sure I know how old Clëo is for any future references.

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The color you speak of sounds about right concerning your bird's age. If you were given a hatch certificate, more than likely it's legit. But understand that your version or perception of the color of his eyes that you descrribe might be different than the way another person sees the same shades. ex--You see a medium grey color, but another person looks at it and sees what they think to be a darker grey than you describe and then another person looks at that same color and they think it's a lighter color than you described. So, it's really who thinks what color is what. Shades of bland colors can esily be different to the different colors, especially gray. Understand?

What should disturb you is the pricing. Most baby parrots go for a set price, especially from a breeder. The breeder lists it. If that person has older birds and decides to charge more, that's their choice. Is the price you paid consistant with all the other baby birds that were for sale? Can I go to that breeder and buy a bird that's the same age as yours and will I pay the same amount you did or does the price fluctuate? I ask because baby birds of the same species aren't usually priced differently. I've never done that.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/03/17 18:23

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I agree with Dave over the pricing factor,baby greys handreared here in the UK are pretty much the same price from different breeders.Some do push their luck & ask a little more than others & this always indicates to me that there breeding their birds for the profit they can make ,id rather they sold their babies knowing that there going to wonderful homes as opposed to how much they can make.Older greys & breeding greys do sell for less.

The eye colour you describe does sound consistent with your greys age.

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Ok thats brilliant, thanx, I just thought to make sure. I'm pretty sure all of her baby greys were the same price, but I was aware she had older greys for less and wasn't sure if Clëo had been mixedup or something along those lines. It doesn't matter now anyway, the money has gone and I've gotten an amazing companion in return, just thought to check incase I needed her age for any future reference. What I've noticed on her are her markings, she has red to pink feathers all over her body instead of white, which I thought would have faded with her first moult which obviously hasn't happened yet :blink: food for thought for me :lol:

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The color red that you see in different parts of her body is simply an excess of the gene that determines the red color. Most of the time, the bird will lose those red feathers after they go through their first major molt. For other birds, it's permanent. The one thing you shouldn't worry about is whether the health of the bird has anything to do with that coloring. It doesn't. Some people actually think it's pretty and get excited that their grey has some distinguishing marks on the body. All of that coloring can come from the previous generation or even the generation of the grandparents or great grandparents.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/03/17 20:00

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I have definately learnt a lot in a short while from you guys, thanx a bunch :lol: :lol: :lol: I wasnt concerned over her health, I just assumed she was a little different, and no different from say a colour mutation such as an albino. I thought the red feathers would be replaced with whites ones after her first moult, didnt know there was a possibility that they would remain

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I have definately learnt a lot in a short while from you guys, thanx a bunch :lol: :lol: :lol: I wasnt concerned over her health, I just assumed she was a little different, and no different from say a colour mutation such as an albino. I thought the red feathers would be replaced with whites ones after her first moult, didnt know there was a possibility that they would remain

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