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Charlie has started to be very aggresive towards me and I wonder if its to do with the loss of his feathers in one of his wings. I have to stop him doing certain things when he comes out as I cant risk him at certain heights in case he falls and injures himself. I think he sees me as the bad one for stopping his fun, but I hate this bad feeling between us. Today he didnt even want to come out of his cage for time out. I hope this is just a phase and will pass. He has started to bite when I try and stroke him or just clean his cage. but then other times will come out and let me give him lots of strokes. Its a trying time and I hope it will change because we have always had a close bond. Thanks for reading. Caroline.

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Caroline, is this the one that lost his wing feathers on one side due to the earthquake? If so did the biting start about that same time? If so then maybe he could be reacting to not being able to do what he used to and he sees you as restricting him in his activities.


Just treat him the same so he knows your love is constant and maybe when the feathers grow out he will be more like his usual self. I know this can be very hard to deal with but I think it will pass in time.

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Yes Judy, thats the one. The biting has just started this week and seems to be losing interest in coming out as much. I still leave his door open and sit at the side of his cage talking to him and trying to coax him out. I hope it pass as its quite upsetting really. He also doesnt like to be left alone. I have reduced my hours at work and have my neighbour call in to see him when I am out. Everything has changed so much these last few weeks. We had a great routine and I think he has realised the changes I have made, but he cant understand they are there to protect him.

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He just doesn't understand why the changes have been made and he is reacting to that, you know how greys hate any kind of change but in time I think he will get better. He just needs more time to feel comfortable again, that episode really shook him up but if you keep up pretty much the regular routine I think he will adjust much faster.:)

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Caroline we have spoke about this & i know how upset you are hun,you should be commended on all the changes you have made to care for Charlie.There isnt a miracle cure i only wish there was,but time & patience & your love & determination will bring the old Charlie back.;)

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Aw, that's sad Casper. Do you think Dorian is perhaps a little depressed, since he lost the ability to fly and therefore does not see the joy in coming out of his Cage?


Maybe as others said, showing your love and most importantly be happy for him. They really pick up on our emotions and if your happy, it will rub off on him sooner or later if you seem joyful, play with his toys and talk with an excited voice.


Hopefully this will pass shortly. :-)

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