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Hows that for service?


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You are NOT going to believe this. I went out for dinner last night with my family (mother, father, sister brother and their kids) to a really posh hotel in a nearby town. Lets just say it wasnt cheap! So we are all seated at a long table and having a laugh and the waiter comes to take our orders. When he gets to me he asks if we have been told about the chefs recommendations and leans in to point them out on my menu, and then on the way back he stabs me HARD in the eye with his pen. OH MY GOD the pain. I try really hard to pretend that it is fine. I ask him to carry on with the orders and come back to me, and end up with a piece of gauze taped to my eye because I cant open it.


Then later in the meal a different waiter scalds my brother in law with the tea pot!


My eye is fine this morning apart from being very bloodshot. He obviously signed his name on my eyeball when he was at it ;)

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OMG Siobhan how awful, I hope they took a little off the check for that, I know and understand accidents happen but the right thing to do is cut some off the bill, and two in one sitting. I hope your eye is going to be fine and your brother-in-law wasn't burned by the teapot. I would think twice before patronizing that place again but I hope the food was worth it:pinch:


Thanks for sharing this with us, oh and btw, did you leave a generous tip:ohmy: I wouldn't have:angry:

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OUCH!! Jesus siobha9 , are you kidding me? Pen in the eye and scalding water from the Teapot?? You could have eye damage and the other that got scalded has some blisters today, I would imagine.


How are you and your scalded family member today?

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Well we considered going back next weekend in full personal protective gear, eyeglasses, hard hats, steel toed boots and visi vests, just for the fun of it! My eye will be ok, it just feels like I have grit in it. Luckily he got the white of my eye and not the cornea!


The waiter who got my eye offered to buy us a round of drinks from his own pocket, but really it was an accident and there were too many of us so we wouldnt let him. The bill was intact... every last item on it :(


My brother in law is ok today too. Its just unreal that so much could happen in one meal... so much for a Happy st patricks day !


I didnt leave any tip at all... my dad paid !


Oh and incidentally the food was to die for and we very nearly did :lol:

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