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Just barely, I wouldn't go any smaller than that, they need to be able to open their wings fully and flap without touching the sides of the cage.


Why don't you give us a little more information about yourself and this grey of yours, so we can properly welcome you to the forum.:)

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thank u all for replying,this is great. well she had a bigger cage but, i adopted a cockatoo and he needed that cage, being the bigger bird. but now i feel guilty. Jazz, my grey is so wonderful & i love her, I don't think she minds but honestly she gets spooked easily & when she does she often falls to the bottom of the cage. so i thought she'd feel more secure. I've only had jazz for a year, she was adopted as well. i admit to being very new at being a bird mom. not easy. i would welcome any advice, thanks

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Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


Then at the very minimum this cage would be ok especially if she spooks easy but I would allow her a lot of out of cage time so she can have some space to play and enjoy herself.


If you have any pictures of Jazz you would like to share with us we would love to see her.

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