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Whats your birds new words,or sayings?


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we all love to hear our birds talking to us,and we all sit and wait for the day that he/she gives us the rush of pride when they say it to you.

So i thought it would be nice to see what all the birds are talking about all around the world,so what new words or sayings has you bird chatting?

Bernies new saying is "wheres the birdies" and "big trouble"

he says wheres the birdies for my wee girl stands and asks him this when he is beside her at the window,he even does it in her tone :silly: and big trouble is when he goes to nip me,i just say big trouble and he stops,lol good birdie,

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Harrison's vocabulary hasn't grown much in the last couple of months but she's been talking since 3 months of age. She says about 100+ words/phrases. Her big thing right now is when I'm on the phone, she says "Hello?"...jibber jabber..."alright bye bye" then makes a beep sound that the phone makes when you hang it up...I always say "alright bye bye" at the end of a conversation. She's also saying the following a lot lately:


my voice "HONEY!!??"

hubby's voice "what?!"


"Hi baby girl, wanna come out? No? OK"...repeat. I say this to her when I go to get her out of her cage. Most of the time, she plays hard to get so after I say "no? ok" and start to walk away, she does the stammer thing with her feet and then will come out. lol


"Go Poopie" (poopie is in a really high voice)...she says it right before she poops and sometimes after.


"turkey"...I call her that when she's being a brat


"whatcha doin buddy?"


"I love you"


"where's Heather?"


"hi Valerie/Denis/Heather/Harrison" (not all four at once)


"good morning"


She also clucks like a chicken (don't know where that came from but she sounds just like one) and because of that, my husband taught her to do a rooster..."cocka-doodle-doooooo"...


"wanna cracker?"






"good one, Harrison" my husband says this to her when we're playing ball and she flings it across the room


"Sandy (our dog) chill!"


"wanna go outside?"


"wanna watch cartoons?"


"wanna watch the birdies?"


"Hi Birdies!"


"c'mere" (come here)



After several of the phrases, she'll a lot of times say "hmmm?" or "yeah"


I think I'll try to teach her to say "I'm a big time star now!"...something like that...since she's in "BirdTalk".


I'm sure there's more but I can't think of anymore. I have a list of everything she says but I'll just leave it at what she says most of the time...hope to hear what other birdies say.

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LOL siobha9, we all can imagine many things that would bring that phrase on :-)


Dayo has said "Hello" once. I guess he was just letting us know that he understands everything we say and to let us know, HE HAS ARRIVED. B)

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There's this commercial on tv for a local furniture chain called 'Bad Boy'. They say "Who's better than bad boy" then respond "nooooooobody", so Dorian spontaneously started doing the "nooooobody" part. I started calling "who's better than Dorian?", and just yesterday he started responding with his "noooobody". (Anybody else here ever glad no one is around to hear our bird induced craziness?)

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judygram wrote:

Acappella wrote:
(Anybody else here ever glad no one is around to hear our bird induced craziness?)



Who cares...................:laugh:


If a Grey speaks.....and no one is there to hear it, did it really make a sound??? ;) B) I know Judy..."Who cares" :P

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My Biggles is only 9 months old but he has started saying hello and every now and then I catch what I believe to be "Pretty Boy" followed by a wolf whistle :)I'm looking forward to being able to teach him lots of different things, when he is ready though, and if he never says anymore than he does now it won't matter to me as i'm already completely and utterly slavishly devoted to him lol :laugh:

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Sam has started chanting "poopy! poopy! poopy!" as of late in a high pitched voice. The big surprise was Sam actually doing it on command! I have also been teaching him colors as of late. I hold up a red, green or blue object and he does his best to tell me what color it is. He isnt speaking clearly when he says the color though so he is a bit hard to understand. I help up a red plastic cup and he said GREEN. :laugh:


Something else thats noteworthy. I step out the door for something like going after pizza or gas station and when i come back i can hear sam talking away. Since he has started this he can now whistle half of the beginning part of dixie and his speech is getting clearer. Very proud of him

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:lol: :lol: Bernie has got a new word!! one that made me laugh,the house was all still,the kids and hubby all out,im in the kitchen making myself a cup of tea,when all i heard was a shout coming from the sitting room,Mummy!! i thought for a moment that it was my wee girl,and ran into the room saying what is it? :silly:when he saw me he said mummy.im am soooooo chuffed,almost like the feeling you get when your son or daughter start talking and say there first word :woohoo: oh i love this little guy.x th_1_1_.gif<br><br>Post edited by: wendy75, at: 2008/03/18 23:02


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