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I got my grey today!!!


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I got my grey today from my breeder still not sure if it's male or female going to take it to get sexed in a few days. I'm leaving it be in its cage for now because after almost a 12 hour flight I'm sure it's stressed as hell! He/she rode on my shoulder in the car *by choice* the bird's balance is really bad but it's learning. And it doesn't bite or scream at all it's the cutest and sweetest baby in the world. Trick #1 I guess though will be step up because right now it has terrible balance and won't climb onto my finger. So if it gets on my shoulder I can't get it off. It seems poddy trained too because it didn't poop the entire time on me but as soon as we brought it home and put it in the cage it pooped like 3 times.


I will post photos tomorrow when i wake up and its had time to sleep and adjust to the new cage and me above all else so check back here tomorrow evening for pics! It's verrrry beautiful :) And extremely loving it puts its head down to my finger to show it wants to be scratched. One thing it also does I haven't figured out yet is keeps making crunching noises and it sounds like it's grinding it's beak a little? Not against an object but beak on beak??

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Knight05 - Woot woot! It's so exciting you got your baby home! It sounds like you have a pretty relaxed and happy baby - beak grinding is a sign of contentment:)

Give your baby a little while to settle in before going to the vet, so it's not tooooo much of a strain on her, you don't want to upset her good mood.

Most of all - ENJOY!


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congrats on your new baby,give him/her time to recover from the trip.As mas rightly said the beak grinding is a sign of contentment, they also do it right before they are going to sleep.Good luck with your new baby im sure you are going to have a lifetime of fun with him/her :)

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Congrats Knight on the arrival of your baby grey and yes he/she needs a little time to settle in after the flight getting to you, but it sounds like it is going well so far. The beak grinding is a sign of contentment and they usually do it before going to sleep.


I look forward to seeing some photos of your new baby when you get the chance.:P

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Congratulations Knight!!


That is a wonderful slide-show of your new baby Grey. It looks like you either gave him a shower or he jumped in the water soemwhere on his own :P


Thanks for sharing this. We are anxious awaiting to hear more news on your new Grey!! :-)

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