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Ok guys I need help again. Midnight has "dandruff". I know that most say this is the powder down or feather sheaths, but Midnight is scratching her head. When she scratches her head over and it little white flakes I guess are all over my shirts. I think her skin up there may just be dry. She gets an Aloe spray after every meal and showers with me twice as week. Any suggestions? Thanks, Kristine

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African Greys produce a lot of dust and dander naturally. Frequent bathing and HEPA filters can help,

Feather dander is caused by a variety of factors. When birds preen their feathers and during periods of playing and excercising you will see a lose of dust & dander,part of the joys of owning a grey


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Hi Kristine,


It sounds like you have all the right things in place as far as the Aloe goes. Are you also giving your Grey Redp Palm Oil? If nnot I would suggest you do which will help with the dry scalp you are describing.


Is your Grey possibly molting right now also?

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  • 3 weeks later...

She isn't currently molting, wasn't aware of the Palm Oil either. Will check into that. Its funny for me to hear others talk about their Grey's hating the water or the Aloe. Midnight loves them both. I have several small bottles of Aloe all over my house. After ever meal she grabs the one on my computer desk (where we spend most of our time) attacks it for a little while and then pushes it over to me. Almost as if she is going ok Mommy I am ready. Its soo sweet! Also, when I got take a shower I say "Midnight Mommy is going shower...wanna come?" She tilts her head at me trying to figure out what I am saying. I walk into the bathroom and not 2 minutes later she flies to the shower rod and starts singing. Once I get in she jumps to my shoulder and we have a blast. She is such a joy and I feel very blessed to have her, and each of you. Thanks again for the help!

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