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Nikko is a b-ball fan


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My mom is a big Phoenix Suns fan, so she always watches the games on tv at night. Nikko loves to watch too. On non-basketball nights, she gets tired and cranky and asks to go to bed by around 7:00 PM. On basketball nights, she settles in to watch, even though she keeps yawning and her eyes start drifting shut. I usually take her to bed at 8:00 PM, even though she usually doesn't ask to go. I think she would just stay up the whole game if I let her.


So is anyone else's grey soothed by sweaty men running up and down the court :lol:?

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spookyhurst wrote:

she gets tired and cranky and asks to go to bed by around 7:00 PM.


That's funny, it must be all the whistles and screaming that gets her going. Just wondering - how does she ask to go to bed? Liath just falls asleep on my knee at night time and thats how I know its bed time.



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Nikko says "Good night" when she wants to go to bed. If she is ignored, the good nights become louder and more frantic, and her wings quiver with frustration. It's nearly impossible to talk her out of it. When basketball in on, she'll happily sit on my leg, tuck up her foot, and grind her beak :).

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Aw, that is so cute!

I love how she demans, "Good night."

Klaus still behaves like a toddler - has to be talked into going to bed and the whole house has to go through the ritual (dim the lights, quiet everybody! and lots of soothing talk & pets).

As far as I know, Klaus isn't very interested in TV. He'd rather rip up a book! LOL

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That is so cool that Nikko says Good night... Like Klaus, when I go to move Liath to her cage she wakes immediately and the tempers flare. I can usually calm her down with a banana chip or something once she is back in her cage. I can't put Oisin to bed, my hands would be mince meat, his Daddy has to do the honours with him :)

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I don't know why Nikko is so early to bed. She's been that way since I adopted her. However, one thing I've always done is have a little bed time treat waiting for her in her dish. She says good night, I carry her to her cage, she reaches out and gives me a kiss :kiss: (unless she's ticked off at me), and then runs to her dish to find an almond or pine nuts. After she eats her snack, she says good night again to indicate that I should cover her and turn the light off. She's a demanding little girl!

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Wow Spooky! What an orderly little girl she is! Jiggy, my conure, is very prompt about going to bed. We all sit together in the living room in the evening and when he's had enough, he flies off to his cage and tucks himself into his cage :laugh: Bella - well, she'd stick around with me as long as I'm awake, but I usually put her to bed by 9:30 pm as she's sitting on me with her head tucked under my chin falling asleep. :P

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There was no basketball tonight, hence the demands for bedtime came very early. I tried to talk her into some pets and tickles, but she would have none of it.


Nychsa, does Jiggy get ticked off if you stay up too late? I used to babysit a couple of dogs when the owners were out of town. One time, I was taking a summer biology class and had tons of homework every night. At around midnight, the boys would get disgusted, shoot a steely glare at me, and stalk off to the owners bedroom. When I finally went to bed myself, they would hear and come running to jump in bed with me. Luckily, they were good sleepers. I've babysat dogs who felt that the middle of the night was a good time to have a wrestling match...on my back :angry:. Sometimes I'm grateful my dog has no interest in sleeping with me :pinch:.

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