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Excessive beak rubbing/scratching...


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I've noticed our Grey has been picking and scratching at his beak constantly, like he's trying to pry something out of it. He also rubs it on the perches a lot and has caused some deep scratches on his beak.


Is this a sign of some illness?


Otherwise he's in fine condition, talks, plays, chatters and his feathers are in perfect condition. Just the beak scratching...



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I don't think this is a cause for worry as mine does the beak scratching a lot too especially after eating. They feel like something is on it and they will rub it on anything to wipe it off and I think they are also getting off the loose flakes that naturally come off from time to time, as their beaks are in pretty much a constant state of growth.


If everything else is normal and you say it is then don't worry needlessly, it is all part of the greyt life.:):P

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And that is one reason why he is rubbing it on everything to try to get some of that off him, a bath would do him good, have you tried misting or spraying him, he really does need to bathe.


If you haven't already done so, introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this grey you have.:)

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Well, I've been working on it slowly but he's really afraid to try new things. I've gotten him in the tub and showered him a couple of times but I felt like I was pushing him too fast so I haven't tried it again in awhile.


I actually was looking for my mist bottle right after I posted that reply lol, I can't find it anywhere. But he does tolerate that, at first he was terrified but I let him bite it and talked to him sweetly so he let me mist him a couple of times.

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I can understand that, greys are notorious for change, they don't like anything new but you cn ease him into it maybe:blink:


Josey does not care much for bathing either but I do it twice a week anyway, she tolerates it, I wish she did enjoy it like some others here do but I give her a good misting with the aloe vera juice. It is soothing for their skin and it makes their feathers soft and makes them smell good.:P

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