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hey! is that OUR harrison?


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I wanted to adopt a CAG named Harrison once. I had just adopted Nikko, and had to go back to the rescue a couple weeks later to get her a checkup (she had tested positive for a bacterial infection). Harry was there. He was found flying loose around the city, and no one ever claimed him. Harry climbed right up my arm and started going through his repertoire (phone ringing and other silly sounds). How I would have loved to bring him home with me :kiss:. He wanted to come to. He gave Nikko a kiss, and refused to step off my arm to the rescue person. I still think about him, and hope he found a happy forever home.

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I have looked in both March and April 2008 issues of Bird Talk magazine and the page you are talking about is the last page with photos of our friends watch the birdie. There is not an african grey in the April issue and there is one in the March issue but it is not named Harrison. Are you sure you are talking about Bird Talk magazine because I just don't see it.:)

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hey miss judy

it's in the may issue with cover story of 'the secret to a happy conure'

just arrived yesterday so you should be getting your copy soon i am sure if you subscribe.

and i think in fact it IS our harrison!

the human is heather strella in california

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I haven't received the May issue yet, and yes that is our Harrison, well what do you know about that, Heather got her grey in the magazine, I wonder how many are sent in for the chance to be published in their magazine. I can't wait to get mine now and see it, I think I am always a little later that others to get the next issue for some reason, I live out in the country so maybe they think I don't keep up with the times.


Thanks Sandra for alerting us to this, I would have found it on my own when I got the magazine but now when I do get it that will be the first thing I look for, karma for you Sandra:P

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Oh I'm guilty of that too, I also read the daily newspaper back to front also, how funny is that.


Miss Harrison is a star, Heather has posted lots of pics of her on this site, she is a beautiful grey, thats for sure.:P now everyone knows:cheer: :cheer:

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hey JDR yes i just got the may issue in yesterday's mail.


i got the subscription through a fundraiser my niece was involved in to help defray costs of her soccer team going to sweden this summer. so i got a good rate and i helped my niece as well.


the postcard in the mag says 24 issues $44.00 and i am sure you can subscribe on thier website. big savings if you are paying $4.50/each!

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If you love birds then this is the magazine to get, it has lots of good articles and pictures and the subscription will save you lots of money if you are buying it anyway.


There are always subscription cards in each issue so fill one out and send it in and you will automatically get it every month.:P

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oh my yes i have learned SO much already!


and the may issue will be invaluable with the summer months coming up. it addresses fruit flies and other summertime pests.


big daddy always laughs because i make him look at the 'centerfold' every month.

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Hey, guess what I got my May issue of Bird Talk today in the mail and yes that is Harrison on the back inside page, "throwing my food dish to the floor sure is a lot harder" submitted by Heather Strella, California, yah we have a celebrity in the magazine.:P :P :P :P

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The strength came in the form of my parents :P. It took a lot to convince them to let me get 1 bird. Even though Nikko is a wonderful little birdie, they are pretty much against a 2nd one :(. Otherwise, Harry and Nikko would probably be a couple :kiss:.


Congrats to Harrison for her new found fame! Has it gone to her head yet ;)?

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