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I have a thousand questions


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So I'll get right down to it and keep it as short and simple as I can. Feel free to pick and choose which to reply too, I know it's alot sorry but im a fairly new bird owner.


Can teflon pans (george forman grill included) harm my

CAG? Is it the smell or chewing it or being near it?


Can smoking harm my parrot? Not actual second hand smoke I would never smoke by my parrot but the actual smell of smoke in my clothes or on my breathe etc.


I have a very teeney tiny spot of rust on a used cage I bought (roughly the size of a a pencil eraser) but the rest is like new and powder coated is that still safe or do I need to sand the rust and re powder coat it?


What are primary toys a starting owner should buy right off for a parrot? Swing, dangle toys bells?


If I choose not to clip my parrots wings what risk do I run of taking my bird outside to a park etc? Is there a way they can have wings but can't fly away like a parrot leashe for example.


Whats sites or links can I go to teach my parrot 3 simple principles step up, step down and don't poop outside your cage?


What if my sleeping schedule changes and my parrot is on a normal cycle do I alter his to match mine or keep him on his cycle and just let him be while I sleep.


Is it safe to let a parrot roam the house freely when you are doing things like taking a shower or cooking dinner or in another room doing laundry etc? Or must they be supervised 24-7?


My roomate has a red crested or macaw (i think thats the name?) they get a little red on the top of their head. Can CAG's bond with other parrots and play safely or do other parrots tend to fight when together?


How often do you need to clip their nails? How often should they shower? Misting vs Showers? Is it ok to wet their heads etc?


I own a motorcycle not a car if the parrot had to visit a vet etc would it be safe to take him along in a parrot backpack where he could breathe but wouldnt be exposed to high winds? Would the vibration and noise frighten it?


Whats a parrots normal wake up and sleep cycle? And how often should I cover the cage when it sleeps?


How can i tell if my parrot is too hot or too cold or feeling just right?


How often should their litter box be changed and cage bars cleaned of poop and excess food?


I guess thats it now sorry for the list but you never know unless you ask so :)

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Wow! Lots of questions! But fair play to you for wanting to get it right. I am no expert, just a parrot owner but I will give it a bash! More experienced people will chime in later to help you. Also lots of your questions are answered in other threads if you use the search box at the top. But anyway - here goes!



Can teflon pans (george forman grill included) harm my

CAG? Is it the smell or chewing it or being near it?

Yes they can kill instantly- it is the fumes given off when they are overheated



Can smoking harm my parrot? Not actual second hand smoke I would never smoke by my parrot but the actual smell of smoke in my clothes or on my breathe etc.

I think it is actually the second hand smoke that harms them. Lots of our owners leave the room to smoke.



I have a very teeney tiny spot of rust on a used cage I bought (roughly the size of a a pencil eraser) but the rest is like new and powder coated is that still safe or do I need to sand the rust and re powder coat it?

I would personally. I can't imagine that would be good for him.


What are primary toys a starting owner should buy right off for a parrot? Swing, dangle toys bells?

Chew and foot toys.


If I choose not to clip my parrots wings what risk do I run of taking my bird outside to a park etc? Is there a way they can have wings but can't fly away like a parrot leashe for example

Yes there are a couple of brands of flight harnesses. I use an aviator harness on my greys, they arent clipped.


Whats sites or links can I go to teach my parrot 3 simple principles step up, step down and don't poop outside your cage?

All of these are covered in the training section of this forum.


What if my sleeping schedule changes and my parrot is on a normal cycle do I alter his to match mine or keep him on his cycle and just let him be while I sleep.

Ideally give him a routine and stick to it, but if that means you arent going to get time to interact maybe you should alter his. If it is going to change long term then change his, but if it is only for a day or two then leave his schedule alone.


Is it safe to let a parrot roam the house freely when you are doing things like taking a shower or cooking dinner or in another room doing laundry etc? Or must they be supervised 24-7?

It only takes one good bite to chew through an electric cable. I supervise mine... but then I am a nervous mother! And I have two greys... double the trouble.


My roomate has a red crested or macaw (i think thats the name?) they get a little red on the top of their head. Can CAG's bond with other parrots and play safely or do other parrots tend to fight when together?

They usually fight :(


How often do you need to clip their nails? How often should they shower? Misting vs Showers? Is it ok to wet their heads etc?

I don't clip my guys nails... they have concrete perches to file their nails on. They shower every 2 or 3 days. Yes soak them as thoroughly as you can. There are threads on how to bath them on this forum too.


I own a motorcycle not a car if the parrot had to visit a vet etc would it be safe to take him along in a parrot backpack where he could breathe but wouldnt be exposed to high winds? Would the vibration and noise frighten it?

I have no idea!


Whats a parrots normal wake up and sleep cycle? And how often should I cover the cage when it sleeps?

They need 10-12 hours sleep otherwise they get crabby. I dont cover their cage, I just turn out the light.


How can i tell if my parrot is too hot or too cold or feeling just right?

Good question! I dont know !


How often should their litter box be changed and cage bars cleaned of poop and excess food?

Every day at least!

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Well Siobha answered all the questions perfectly.


The only thing I might add is:


1) If you don't have a flight harness, a ten pound ball and chain will work.


2) As long as you don't crash on your MC, the back pack will be ok, but make sure you have a helmet on your Grey too or you'll get a ticket.


Hope this helps :P I'm jesting of course :-) ;)

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Make sure that you introduce your grey slowly to the harness. If you just try to shove it over his head, you might ruin your relationship.

We have a biker here who takes his blue and gold macaw on his bike with him everywhere. It's an old bird, but he holds onto the handlebars in front of the windshield so he escapes the wind. I don't recommend this, but I thought it was interesting. My birds recognize the sound of our bikes and know when they hear the motorcycles that we are home, then all he*& breaks loose as they start calling to us. Before putting your grey on your bike (in your pack of course), I would get him used to the sound and slowly get him used to the bike. Also, be aware that exhaust fumes are very bad for birds as their respiratory systems are very sensitive, so make sure he isn't getting the exhaust or placed behind the bike as you are getting him used to the sound.

We have a blue and gold macaw and a TAG...they don't care for one another much and will mostly try to drive each other away. All their interactions are very closely supervised and they have seperate stands and play areas.

I would get rid of everything with teflon. Didn't someone here recently lose their bird due to the George Forman Grill?

Anyway, good luck!

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hi.i also read some place that a CAG had died instantly,and it was due to there owner drying there cag of with a hairdryer!! the element inside the hairdryer was coated in teflon and the high heat caused the fumes to kill the poor baby instantly:( i use a baby soft towel for Bernie,;)

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If the house is comfortable then I don't see the need to use a hair dryer anyways, I just let Josey drip dry, of course she never gets just soaking wet as she won't go in the shower so I have to mist her.


I didn't know that teflon was in a lot of hair dryers, that stuff is everywhere it seems.:ohmy:

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