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grey body language


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Does anybody know what tail wagging means? I mean I know I always assumed with my other birds it meant they were happy. Is that the same as with greys?

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Welcome Pugsley!!


Tail wagging basically indicates I'm content, I'm enjoying myself and feeling quite relaxed! It's always a happy sight! :-)


Since your new here, why don't you do introduce yourself in the Welcome room so others know we have a new member? :-)


We love to hear your stories and see photos of your Grey etc.!!

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MAS: REad my post "GOOD NEWS!"


Bobbing is a sign of BREATING PROBLEMS. Take it very seriosuly. I just lost Tonto today @ 11:30 PM. I tried all I could to help him. But death has no time set. When it is time, we humans can do nothing.


Imme... Poop is more of a Couch and step back kind of a motion.

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Imme, I think Falconeer was meaning to say crouch, at least my Josey kind of does a sort of crouch while slightly backing up and that is the signal that a poop is about to drop. I'm sure yours does something similar just observe them for a while and you will see the body movements just before a poop.

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Thank you to all of you who answered back. I would introduce myself, but don't know where the welcome room is.


I guess Pugsley must be really really happy, cause he wags and flaps all the time!

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Falconeer wrote:

......I just lost Tonto today @ 11:30 PM. I tried all I could to help him. But death has no time set. When it is time, we humans can do nothing.







Ohmi :ohmy: That was so sudden, no?


My thoughts are with you :(

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Falconeer - We are so sorry to hear of the passing of your beautiful Tonto. We pray that you have strength and patience to deal with this tragic loss. Rest assured you did all that was humanly possible to protect and save Tonto. However; if something is meant to be, it will be...

Our sincere condolences,

Sameera and Ameen

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Very sad to hear of the loss of Tonto Falconeer. :-)


It sounds like you have taken it in stride though, since you are now handfeeding a new baby Grey. I am sure Tonto will always have footprints on your heart though, as he does on ours.

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