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My 3 year old Timneh has an issue(s)


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I have a 3 year old Timneh that I've had since she was 2 weeks old -I hand feed alot of birds for a wonderful local breeder. My grey seems to suffer from a nervous or compulsive pooping problem. I know she can hold it, in fact first thing in the morning it's a gagger. The problem is when she is out of her cage she wants to poop excessively. She loves being out, loves to cuddle, but is ALWAYS pooping or trying to poop. I'm talking every 45 seconds or less. It's like she is forcing herself to go, sometimes its less than a drop. It's always been annoying but I'm beginning to worry that there is more behind the problem. If anyone else has experienced this or has any suggestions I'd love to hear them.

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I second Dan's suggestion, this is not normal for a grey and a vet check is a must, being a female and 3 years old she could be eggbound, not likely but in any case she needs medical attention.


When this is resolved why don't you introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little more about you and this Tag you have.:)

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I would say as well a vet check is a must. I'm not sure about egg binding being any kind of an issue, but it could be something wrong with the gut. Also, what kind of diet is she on? I know people have to run to the bathroom non stop if they eat something that doesn't agree with them, maybe your grey has a food allergy?

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Thank you all so much for the replies. I have had her vet checked, but I didn't bring up the poop issue. I'm not sure its a medical issue because she'll go hours without pooping when she is alone in her cage. I've thought it's a nervous thing, as she only does it when she is out of her cage sitting with me. I'm going to take your adive give the vet a call on monday.

Thanks again

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Now after your last post I don't think it is a medical issue, she just doesn't want to soil her cage, some birds are like that, they don't want to poop in their cage but will hold it and go as soon as they get out of their cage and that is when she is on you. Some of the other members here have greys that won't poop in their cage but hold it for when they get out.


You can ask your vet but I bet this is the case with your grey, she is pooping all she can to get it out before she gets put back in her cage.:P

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It does sound like more of an emotional issue than a physical one. I once read about someone who tried to potty train their bird (a conure, I believe). The bird so enjoyed the praise it got for pooping, that everytime someone looked his direction, he would struggle to force one out :ohmy:. Unfortunately, I don't remember how they fixed the issue :unsure:.

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