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Psittacosis ( parrot fever)


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Infection is acquired by inhaling dried secretions from infected birds. The incubation period is 5 to 19 days. Although all birds are susceptible, pet birds and poultry are most frequently involved in transmission to humans. Psittacosis is a reportable condition in most states when humans get infected. As long as you don't expose yourself or your bird to shady bird stock (like a nasty pet store or breeder) there really isn't much of a risk...I don't worry about it and I work in a pet store.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/03/12 17:47

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Is it possible to transmit it through things like toys that come from a pet store if they have an infected bird at the store? What I mean is just from the toy being in the same store.<br><br>Post edited by: jdr, at: 2008/03/12 17:52

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Alhough it would be pretty unlikely due to the fact that Psittacosis isn't as prevalent as it once was, there would be the risk of transmission through the toy if there were infected birds or humans in the store. The dander/dust from the infected bird(s) on the toy could harber the virus. I clean the toys I buy when I get them home just because I don't know what was on the grubby hands that touched the toy before me. I buy most of the toys for Elmo where I work, and we sell all different kinds of reptiles...which carry salmonella...and a lot of people don't clean there hands after touching them. I like to use the Clorox Anywhere Sanatizer...spray it on, wait a minute and then ether rinse it off or dry it.

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