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biting problems


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Usually the key to figuring out biting is to determine why. I've heard it's unusual for a grey to bite for no reason.

Is he stressed out? Is he biting hard or just exploring with his beak?

Try being especially mellow - slow & quiet - when interacting. Lower your head a little, stick your neck out, look at him from the side view and narrow your eyes. This makes you appear friendly. When bringing your hand toward the bird, always approach from the side or back. An approach from the top or directly in front can make them defensive.

Hope this helps!

(I'm not sure about the clicker, I've never used one.)

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I haven't used a clicker either but Laurie is right, they don't bite without a reason and you need to find that reason. She gave you some sound advice, try that.


How long have you had this grey? Being 15 years old and you haven't had him long is part of your problem, it takes lots of time and patience when working with an older grey to gain their trust and bond with them. :)

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Hello and Welcome dolphinlove-


I use the clicker can be a wonderful tool if used properly. I recommened getting Chet Womach " How to take clicker training to the next level" It a CD and it go over Clicker taining great. And it just doesn't over over clicker it go's over other stuff like bitting, getting your bird to step up, or if you have problem getting your bird to step up out of the cage, stuff like that.

Here the link, take a look at the video on the link that will explan it all and better. Hope this helps, I know bitting can be a big problem.



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Hello and welcome dolphinlove


Since He is 15 years old and not used to being out of the cage. That tells you immediately that he has not been closely interacted at with probably for years depending on his previous owners.


The first thing you need to establish with him ,is trust. The second thing you need to do, is let him settle in and get used to his new surroundings and the family members and pets that reside there.


Once he is calm and allows you to feed and water him with no growls or nips and starts accepting treats from your hand, our making big progress.


Do you know much of the history on this Grey? It would be very helpful in determining more specific advice and suggestions to you. :-)

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