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Finally getting round to say Ello!!

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Hi everyone,


I have finally got round to introducing myself... took me a bit of time lol.

My name is Amy and I am the proud owner of Biggles, an 8 month old CAG and living in the UK. Myself and hubby to be had wanted a CAG for a long time. My grandfather used to breed and show canaries and budgies and I grew up in South Africa for many years so have a fairly good knowledge of different parrots and birds etc.

We were lucky enough to recieve a cage from a friend who didn't need hers anymore, so off we went on a hunt to fill the cage :-)

We wanted a young hand reared grey (as everyone does) and were lucky to find Biggles, who was a 5 month old rescue bird. I fell in love with him immediately after he sat on my shoulder and did the baby grunt thing in my ear.

So here we are, 3 months later, and I can only say that I fall in love more and more every day with Biggles. He has started to talk although most of it is garbled up with whistles and clicks. He loves his fresh fruit and veg, pommegrante being his absolute favourite! We are lucky that both me and hubby to be work from home so Biggles has the run of the house pretty much all day long!

I love this forum and have spent many hours reading up on everyones experiences and advice, and will continue to do so!

Thank you to all the admin team for such a great site and I look forward to keeping everyone updated on my baby Biggles' progress and adventures in life! :)



Amy x

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Hello Amy and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Biggles. What an unusual name, but I love it, how did you come around to naming him that?


I know all too familiar that feeling of falling in love with them more and more every day and you are so glad that you have him now that you can't imagine life without him.


Well you already know that we do have a lot of useful and helpful information in the many threads here on this site and you did wisely to read as many of them as you can. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Biggles you would like to share with us we would love to see him.:)

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Hi Amy!

Biggles is a beautiful bird and looks so innocent in that photo! Of course, having a TAG myself I know that innocent look is all a big act. Glad you are getting on well with him and finding the joy of being owned by a grey.

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Thank you all for the lovely welcome :-)

I'm glad you all like Biggles' name, it was an unusual decision, but we wanted something different and cheeky to suit his personality, and it does....completely!

Loved the comment on being owned by a grey... couldn't agree more lol.

Quick question although probably should post it in the other forum....

Biggles has taken to me much more than he has hubby to be. Although he is nice to H2B most of the time, he can be quite nasty to him when in the mood to be and gets very protective over me. I do know that CAG's tend to prefer one person to another and H2B has accepted his place in the pecking order (lol) but I would like Biggles' attitude towards him to stay the same or get better than it is... any ideas to make sure it doesn't get any worse please??


Thanks again for the lovely warm welcome :-)


Amy x

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You just need to make sure that your husband keeps handling him regardless of the nips etc. If he gives up (as my husband did) it is a LONG road back to where he is at now. Also if you keep back his favourite treat and let your husband hand feed that. So if he loves sunflower seeds, dont put any in his dish, and let your husband feed them to Biggles (Love that name!). My husband has started working on trick training with my grey to interact with her without actually handling her and she loves it.

But the biggest tip is don't give up!


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Thanks for the response on this Siobha9. I thought it would just be a case of persevering and keeping the contact going. H2B cleans out Biggles every now and then and feeds him occasionaly too just so he starts to understand that i'm not the only hand that feeds him so we'll just keep on doing what we're doing and hope it doesn't get any worse :-)


Thanks again



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I think it needs to be a bit more than occasionally. I mean I never gave Liath treats... at all! All her treats came from hubby. I was the one with the cuddles and the scratches and he was the treat machine. He still cant cuddle her the way I can, but she isnt quite so mean to him now. We got a second grey about a year later, and the roles are completely reversed. Although I can pet his grey, just not as much as my own.


I do feed her her normal food though.

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Siobhan has given you some sound advice of been there and done that, do her suggestions on a daily basis rather than occasionally, he may never come to like him much more than he does now but will tolerate him more. They do tend to pick their favorites and once picked is near impossible to reverse.


I love that name Biggles, it is unusual for sure.:P

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Thanks for the good advice :-) Will definately make sure H2B does the treat time thing every day, fingers crossed it will work :-)

Just have to make sure he doesn't over do it on the treats like he does with the dogs! lol :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: pixiexoxo, at: 2008/03/12 21:33

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Lol... am so pleased I haven't got the only man who loves to spoil the pets! Our lab is a stomach on legs so any treat is gratefully recieved and he recieves them frequently!

Will have to limit the treats that Biggles gets though... Don't want a fat parrot! Not that i've ever seen one!! :-)




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