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Toys for babies


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I am trying to get everything st up before i get my grey. I am looking to get a baby and i was wondering what kin of toys are good fro them to keep in thier cage. I know the right sizes and types fro an older bird but i am not sure if the youngs ones need different types. Does anyone have any ideas. Also my husband anbd I are fairly handy and tend to build things so thats not out for ideas either.

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Are you planning on a "baby" baby grey or a weaned baby grey? I just read through your post in thw welcome room **Welcome** and saw that you don't have a grey yet but are looking. I would first like to say when it comes to getting a grey, don't buy an UNweaned baby. So many things can go wrong, from nasty infections, crop burns, even death. Any breeder willing to sell a baby bird to someone without experiance should not be bought from...they are for sure in it just for the money and not for the wellfare of the birds and you could end up with more heart-ache than it's worth. Find a breeder that sells weaned babies, Birdtalk mag is also a pretty good place to look...they have listings in the back for breeders in each state.


Ok, now for the toys. A baby grey will play with anything an adult grey would play with after they are weaned. I have plenty of foot toys for my grey, along with wood block toys, toys with bells and rattles, and different textures. My grey...who is just shy of a year old now...still has his stuffed bear from when he was a baby and I catch him snuggling it now and then when he naps. You may want to get a little stuffed toy for your grey so he doesn't feel so alone when he first arrives. Any stuffed toy will due as long as the fur is short and there are no small parts that your grey could choke on (eyes, nose)...so think toddler stuffed toys.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/03/10 19:27

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I am looking for a weaned baby grey. I know full well I am not up to the task of weaning. I do want it to be dna sexed but i dont care what the sex is. for the toys though are all baby toys safe for them or are there types i should stay away from?

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I buy Baby toys from the dollar store..rattles and such. big money saver and a big hit!! The only thing is that I have to take the rattle out before bed..or 5 am she is waking everyone!!! I lay in bed for 30 minutes before I get up and just listen to what she is saying...this is when she try out new phrases!! Then I get the rattles out and all He*l breaks loose!!LMAO!

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LOL! I think you would be surprised how silent it is here most of the time...I keep them pretty busy through the day. Mornings do get a bit loud sometimes...but I put a pillow over my head and go back to sleep!! Actually if I dont respond the birds do too!! Thankfully...I need my sleep to keep up with them all!!;)

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Well Corrigan, if being a pest around here got you kicked off Judy would have been gone a LONG time ago!!!



Ooohhhh I just had to take the shot Judy...hahaha...I'm just kidding:kiss: ! We would rather have a MILLION simple questions than one sad story, so ask away!


It's very good to hear your looking for a weaned baby, I have seen too many people that go out and buy babies only weeks old and know nothing about hand feeding and weaning. And as for getting everything ready ahead of time, your doing what everyone that did their homework does. Having a nice "home" set up before the arival is the best thing for making the transition a smooth one.

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I know about having haibitats set up from all my reptiles. itsa must with them and i think any new pet honestly. I always try to do my homework and make surei have things set to the best of my ability and knowledge. also im a total internet junky so i research everything. keep sme fomr going slowly nuts in a quiet house :D

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Hahahahaha Bmustee :-) Judy, you going to take that??


Now, i will sit back and watch the action :P


Corrigan - Your doing all the right things and asking all the right questions. :-) I know what you mean about the Internets ton of links and articles on every search you do. Buy the time your done browsing and reading everything, your exhausted mentally. But, the good news is you now know more about those subjects and toy ideas. Then the $$$ spending takes off at super-sonic speed :P

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Well Berna I think a few people have tried to kick me off but they had no luck, I am like a bad penny, I keep turning up:laugh: you couldn't get rid of me if you wanted to, I am here to stay for now.:whistle:


Dan I take that from Berna because I know she is just kidding but you better be the one to watch out for me, I don't take too kindly to someone egging me on.:angry: We used to have two beagles and a black lab and the two beagles would start a fight with another dog and then the lab would step in and take over and they would sit back and watch the action, so you better straighten up and fly right.:laugh:


Now back to the business at hand, Corrigan I am so proud of you for doing what every potential grey owner should do, read and research all they can before taking that final plunge, we would have fewer greys in rescues if more would do that. Ask as many questions as you want, we don't judge anyone on the number of questions or how trivial or silly sounding they may seem, you can't find the answers if you don't ask.:P

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Hahaha Dan, you better watch it, Judy is going to mess your day up.


Seems as though I have turned into Judy's beagles...pick a fight and watch the fireworks!!!:woohoo: :laugh: :silly: :cheer:


I'm with Judy...if more people were to do the hours of research into parrot ownership there would be a much less need for rescue orginizations. As for the stupid questions, we have even had someone ask about "male anatomy" parts of their grey so if we didn't mind that than you can ask ANYTHING on this forum!<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/03/11 18:24

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You might be better off with a baby because I have noticed with some of the older birds they do best when they pick the person they go to. Baby birds do good with just about everyone. If there was a rescue you could go to that would be cool, but if you have to have a bird shiped to you that probably could give you headaches you don't want to deal with if you got a older bird.

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