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Scaly foot


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Hi, how can I tell if my African Grey has scaly foot. I had parakeets in the next cage and the female parakeet may have scaly face. They sometimes share the same perch and I've been noticing a barb looking whitish growth out of the back two toes -- but am unsure if that is just the natural texture.



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A pic would be very helpful. It is rare that greys suffer from the mites that cause scaly face/mites. However I suppose it could happen. Post a pic if you can and we can better provide an opinion. As always, you may be best getting a professional opinion.

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First, if you think the keet has scaly face your grey is in Major risk of getting it too if they are near each other. They should not share ANYTHING and be separated ASAP till they BOTH have been checked out by an avian vet, although the damage may have already been done. I know most people don't want to take a keet to the vet because they are cheap birds, but if you don't get it cleared up in BOTH birds it will never go away and you will have two disfigured at best birds in the not so distant future...or dead birds if gone untreated. Scaly face also affects the feet...it's called tassle foot...and you are discribing what would be a mite infectation on your grey so this is not something that I would take lightly.


Here is a couple pics of what the scaly face mite can do to birds.




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Also, don't use over the counter mite meds for the birds ether. I have seen a couple birds that have had what looks like the skin of their legs burned off by improper use and dosage...an Avain vet can give you the proper meds.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2008/03/10 17:28


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Thanks guys,


I'll upload the picture this evening -- I appreciate your looking at it. I just took her stand and the keet cage outside and bleached and washed it down along with all the perches, toys, etc. It's out in the Arizona sun -- so that should bake it off. I'll leave it there all day.


I need to take care of her big cage later on. Would I put her back on her cleaned and bleached perch while I clean her cage? Won't that reinfect the cleaned soft and wooden perches?




My Billie already had 3 toe tips bitten off by her parents while in the nesting box so her one foot is rather sensitive so I really want to get this taken care of asap. :( my poor baby...


Thanks again.

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Well, if treatment has not been started yet everything they come in contact with should be treated like it's contaminated. If I was you I would get both birds started on a treatment and then go to town cleaning anything and everything they touch. I would start disinfecting everything two or tree times a week as well. To keep things in check I would keep what they contact to a minimum and not allow them to go "free range". Be sure to also disinfect yourself and change clothes between birds as well.

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Billie isn't letting me take a picture of her foot this evening. She snapped at me a few times and scampered away -- probably because I was trying to pick some of the scale off.


I'll give it a day and try again tomorrow.


Is Scatt the treatment that is used to treat this? What are the applications for an African Grey if this is what is used to treat scaly face and foot?


I'll check back tomorrow. Thanks again...

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As BMustee suggests get treatment from the vet, i find over the counter lotions tend not to be as effective as ones prescribed by the Vets.The most effective treatments for Scaly Face or Leg mite infestations are Avomectin, Ivermectin or Moxidectin which can only be prescribed by your veterinary surgeon.

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Do you need assistance getting to the vet? If so, just send me a PM and give me your vet's name, and telephone number and we'll get the funds over there. These babies need to get to an avaian vet and we shouldn't delay that. So, drop me a PM if you need help.


Keep us posted


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Yes, like Tracy said over the counter meds are not as good at treating anything as the meds the vet gives. I believe it was SCATT that "burned" the skin off a Euro-Goldfinch that a customer brought into the store for advise on. I use Ivermectin on the finches at the store that may have mite infections. I know the dosages for finches but with greys I got no clue.

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Hi Terri,


Thanks! I've been off line for a day or two. I looked at the pictures on the web and the ones kindly posted on this forum and it isn't that...I did place some Scatt on her feet just in case and bleached and sanitized everything!


The birds are in two separate rooms not sharing anything.


It's hard to take a picture but it could just be the white stuff between the scales on the feet sloughing off. Does that make sense? It doesn't seem to have a "life of its own" which is what my finches had a while back that I treated. (Horrible to get rid of, ugh.) So, I may have been overparanoid -- but I am going to leave Billie's toes alone and see if the white sloughy stuff starts "developing its own pattern or growth."


Thanks though -- very very much for the offering to help in such a super way!!<br><br>Post edited by: Kasia, at: 2008/03/15 04:30

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Thanks BMustee & Judygram also!!! If it does seem to be scaly foot, I do have a great vet so I will definitely take her in and keep you all posted. I understand about self-dosing with the invermectin -- without proper knowledge of dosing I could do more damage than good -- {Feel-good-000200BB}


I'm going to stay on line and enjoy a bit of what's going on in the forum tonight. I work so much that if I check in regularly -- that means I'll get side tracked regularly, i.e., I won't get my typing done -- {Feel-bad-00020063}


Thanks again all of you!!!

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Hi Kasia, no problem re: the assist. I think there are a good many people here who would assist in any way possible to ensure the babies stay well. Do keep us posted. I'm in transition and wont' be on much, but a PM will get to my email which gets to my Blackberry :)

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