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African Grey's And Mirrors


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Okay had Dusty now nearly 2 days and wow so much fun. We have found that he loves his own reflection put him next to a mirror and hes happy. Is this a Grey thing or is Dusty just Vain. Who else's Grey likes there own reflection.



Jag ( John and Cath )

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I think all birds love their reflections. When I had parakeets, they would kiss their reflections in the mirror until it was so covered with bird spit, they couldn't see themselves anymore. I know birds aren't supposed to have saliva, but somehow, they were really able to muck their mirrors up good ;).


Nikko will initially bob her head up and down with happiness when she sees her reflection in a mirror. However, she soon becomes bored with it. Maybe she realizes it's not really another grey.

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Yes John and Cath almost all birds love the reflection of themselves. Guess you can say they are conceited lol. Some will say Oh the bird will bond to the bird they see in the mirror and not to use them. But there are many people out there that are the opposite.


But SweetHeart hasn't had a mirror yet. Thought of getting her one though. Glad you are having fun with Dusty!

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early on in merlin's stay here at the monkey house, he had hurled himself to the floor for some odd reason long forgotten.


i had a full length mirror propped against the far wall near my desk so i could surreptitiously watch him as he seemed a bit shy of me at the time.


well as he wandered and took in his surroundings under my watchful eye, he came upon the mirror and was so happy to find a friend at last!


but then it broke my heart when he started looking behind the mirror for his new pal and there was nobody there. so now i do not let him see mirrors at all as it makes me sad that it seems to be a bad trick being played on him.


pssst there might be a new arrival to the monkey house aviary - a female eclectus - i won't jinx it by saying anything more...

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Thanks Sandra for sharing that little story with us about Merlin and the mirror. I have never tried putting a mirror in Josey's cage to see what she would do, but I see others have tried it.


So there may be a new arrival at the monkey house, well be sure to keep us informed, we want to know.

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Lyric doesn't have a mirror in his cage either, but we make special trips to the hallway and bathroom to "look in the mirror". He really loves it. He'll kiss the reflection and look so pleased with himself. If I go by the mirror with him on my hand without stopping he strains himself towards it to let me know we'd better stop and look.

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