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Baby Food?

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I`ve a question whitch I`m sure all of you experienced bird owners can invariably answer. Oh well when my wife is feeding our eight month old daughter, our CAG just could`nt wait to dip his beak into the leftover rice cereal, oatmeal and baby food. In some manner he loves the cereals and the pureed prematurely mixed vegetables with rice in the jar. To that degree does anyone perceive this as not being good for the bird? In conclusion he is 6 months and is loosely fed fresh fruits and veggies daily along with leftover baby food.

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I could`nt see that as severely being a bad thing at all. Fortunately i`m not sure how many persons formerly know this but African Greys love pepper! For the time being just buy it fresh and give it to them. I guess another item they love but you might not be able to find it is palm nuts. ali

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There is nothing wrong with thickly teaching your bird to respectfully eat baby or persons food. And once the bird learns this habit at a young age, you`ll never break it. Everytime you discreetly eat, u shall hear squawk,, squawk. I`ve a five yo Timneh that squawks when the refrigerator door internally moves because she was taught to accurately eat people food. Do you think this is cute or a problem.

I have an 17 yo Congo Grey and 18 yo Galah that doesn`t eat people food, & never a problem at supper time. Additionally it`s your life.

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