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I jsut wanted to introduce myself. I don't have a grey yet but my husband and i have started looking and getting ready for one. We have bought the cage playground and some toys but we are still looking for a good breeder. We have never owned a large bird before but we did have a lovely conure until we recently lost him. If anyone has any advice we would apperciate it.

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Hello Corrigaan and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your quest for a grey.


I hope you do find a good breeder soon, don't know where you are from but someone might know of one if we knew where you are located.


You should read up as much as you can about the grey and one of the best resources is right here so take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information. Please if you have any questions just ask and we will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


What kind of conure did you have? I also have a conure, a sun conure and she is a delight to have and I am sure yours was too, so sorry to hear of his passing but unfortunately death is a part of life and so it goes.

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Hello Corrigaan! Welcome to the bunch! There are tons of good info on here you'll just have to read a bunch lol. But well worth it! SweetHeart was our first big bird as well and it's been interesting! Just read up and if you have any questions please ask away!



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Hi, and welcome!

There's a lot of great info to be found just browsing around this site.

If you can't find an answer, though, don't be shy - post it! There's no such thing as a "dumb" question here. Everyone is very knowledgeable and friendly.

Welcome aboard!

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Thnx for the wonderful welcome. I have been researching greys for about a year trying to decide if i was up to the task. So i do know some but experince is always better. We had a blue crown conure named Conner. He was a wonderful friend. He was a gift from my aunt. But we sadly didnt have him very long. We lost him in a house fire in january. Some kid broke in and set my house on fire. Its been hard and i really miss having a bird around they are such joys. We live in NM and I have a couple friends who are keeping an eye out for good breeders for us too. Im hoping to be able to find one very soon

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Corrigaan welcome here, I hope you will like it :)


So sorry to hear about that fire. I can not start to imagine what shock that must have been. Poor bird :( :(

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I am sorry to hear of your loss of your conure, how horrific for you both, as I have a sun conure and she is such a delight but I am glad to hear that you want another bird in your life, once you have one you find you cannot be without them. A grey would make an excellent choice and you are so smart to find out what you can before you make that final decision.


If you do decide to go with a grey you have our full support, we will do what we can to help you in any way we can, we are family here.:)

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