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Petey is a little lethargic


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We haven't been on the site here for several months-the all knowing internet filter at work has been blocking. Anyway, for several days Petey has been a little quiet, appetite a little down, and "fluffing" up alot more. He's 8 months old, and is used to lots of activity, noise and a variety of good food. His stool looks normal, no respiratory distress noted. Just less "reactive" I've been on vacation this past week, so instead of 12 hours sleep, he's getting @8-10. Less play time because we're running around more (he's by himself more this week). Normally you can't leave the room without some sort of response from him--whistling, chirping, mumbling in his little high pitch voice. All the vocalizing has been cut by 90%. We're probably being too worrisome. Can all this be caused by these changes in his routine, or does anyone here have some other thoughts??? Thanks for any feedback here. Oh, he was seen be an avian vet several weeks ago, and checked out fine.

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Well being he was checked out just recently I would say that it was the routine change. SweetHeart has gone through that as well. She came from the breeder always being there to our house where we both worked all day and than I am now a stay at home mom so she has been through some changes. She is 10 months old actually tomorrow. Mine will go through her playful days and than others not touch her toys at all really. Maybe some other members could help as well, but in my opinion it sounds normal going by what SweetHeart does.

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It does sound like it is a reaction to the changes in his routine, they don't take to change easily, they prefer things to remain the same. And since he is eating normally and his poops are the same then that is what I would chalk it up to be, especially since he has been checked out by the vet just recently.:P

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With as many birds as you have Tiffani I am surprised that you could take them every time one of them shows a sign of something amiss but then it is your money and not mine.:laugh:


But in this case there was a change in routine and that is enough to throw them off kilter and since eating and pooping is normal then I don't see the need to worry.:P

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