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Avian CPR & Rescue Breathing


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Ok everyone I found this and being with the EMS I think it's very important that we all know some of the basics of how to save our bird(s).


We don't have a Health Room (which we will hopefully get hint hint) lol And I thought everyone on here could use this. Hopefully until we do get a Health Room this could be posted somewhere that when an emergency comes up we can refer back to this thread. But I would suggest to save the link in your favorites as well.


Happy Reading and if anyone has any questions please ask!! I want everyone to make sure they kind of know the basics of CPR for a just in case situation!




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Well thank you everyone! I'm glad to get the Karma, but just really wanted this to be on here cause for one, I wouldn't have known how to do it and being able to do it for a person I would have been mad at myself if for some reason I couldn't have done it for my birds. Is def different than on a person lol, but hey, it's worth a try when you need it!

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