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Dusty is Home


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Hey everyone just to let everyone know catherine and i collected Dusty this morning and hes now home with us.


Hatch date is :- 11 . 12 . 07


were going to give him a few days to settle in then we will get some photos posted. So thanks to all for letting us join in the family. Ive never read so many posts on one forum but there is some REALLY good info here so i'm happy. he's sitting here eatting so he must be feeling reasonably ok. Anyway thanks again :woohoo: Dusty_1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Jaguar, at: 2008/03/08 12:26


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Congrats on him he is very handsome!! I would go ahead and give him the day to settle in, but take him out and play with him as soon as you can. I think the ones that let their birds settle in for a bit, like I did mine, they end up being a little independent at first and think they don't need you lol. They are stubborn little buggers lol. Being he is very young you shouldn't have too much of a problem, but in my opinion I wouldn't leave him in there for a week or so till he settled in. I would be taking him out and playing with him soon. I know that is a mistake I learned from and won't do that with our cockatoo we are getting. So good luck to you! And enjoy your little guy! We are here for any questions, for I'm sure you will soon have some lol.

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Congratulations on getting Dusty home Jag!!


He looks right at home and relaxed in his cage. If he shows keen interest in wanting out to be with you and wifey, by all means let him out and let the party begin!! :-)

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He seems to have made himself right at home hes playing with toys and eatting/ drinking. My son and i went to pet world and got him another little toy one you put treats in and he has to work out how to get it out. He's having a ball with the new toy. He is friendly but still nips alittle we just cover his head with our hand and he stops but i dont mind hes worth it. Thanks for the info about getting him out guys we will and at this moment hes sitting on hes cage door Flapping(but holding onto the door). We will let him teach us what he wants. Dusty_2.jpg


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