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Me and my girlfriend have recently brought a Congo African Grey into our lives. He's about 7 months old. We decided Gollum was the perfect name for a grey parrot and offers plenty of funny catch phrases to try and teach him.


My precious :P



We're both attending college so he makes studying interesting at times, and really enjoys showers and the later blow drying.


He's a weird one though, he seems to have an aversion to being petted, only on rare occasions will he put his head down to have his head scratched. He has no problem stepping up off of his cage, or other places around the house but refuses to step up off of a certain perch in his cage, instead he goes into defensive mode. Not really a biter but he will give you a pinch if you let him sometimes.


My girlfriend has heard him say his name a few times but I haven't heard it, he mostly whistles, including the wolf cartoon whistles.


Well this group seems to be a very tight group, hope our zoo fits in.

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Well welcome to all of you! I'm sure you will fit right in with this crazy bunch! Our SweetHeart is 10 months so we aren't too much older than you. The petting is perfectly normal with the Grey's. You will find ones that love it and seem to want nothing more than cuddle and than you will have ones like yours and mine. It just takes some work. You can get them so he will let you pet him. You just have to ignore the little bites and the growling and make him let you pet him and be fearless lol. Don't be mean by any matter lol just pet him when you want to pet him, he'll get used to it. He's still just a baby. That is the exact problem we are having with SweetHeart and she is slowly coming around. She will never be cuddly but she is finally enjoying little neck rubs from us! I hope to hear more from you soon and some pics as well!!



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Hello Eladeflow and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Gollum, thats an unusual name, does it have special meaning?


Most greys do not like much touching especially petting and you have to respect that they usually love head and neck scratches, so give plenty of them.


They can be a little territorial also and that is what he is doing about that one perch, he has claimed it as his comfort zone and you are not to enter it. Try bribing him with a treat, sometimes bribery works wonders.


Take a little time and read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask questions you may have. We will do our best to get you some answers and help you in any way we can.


If you have some pictures of Gollum you would like to share with us we would love to see him.

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About the name, we had just got finished watching all of the Lord of the Rings movies and I had it in my head that the next pet we get is going to be named Gollum, pronounced Gall-Um.


The character from the books and movies is grey in color but has a very unique personality and is obsessed with a ring, he calls his precious.




I look forward to reading more here and posting pictures.

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