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I will eat your laptop


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Well, Greyce has been out and won't stay on her table top play gym. She wants to explore, which is wonderful as it means she is getting more confident here. However, she just grabbed and pulled off the shift key off my company laptop. I spent 10 minutes doing the wobble while I tried to get it out of her mouth before she grabbed it with her foot and bit me. Luckily she did not win and I got it back before she could get it out of her mouth and into her foot. sheesh!:laugh: She has been a handful tonight. She wants to be right next to me, but getting into mischief!:P She keeps flying from her cage to me, she won't stay anywhere. But, when she gets to me she either wants to eat the laptop or my ear with a total one track mind!

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Welcome to the real world, Muse, thats exactly what Josey tries to do too, eat the keys off, you want them to be near you but when they do they are tearing everything apart that they can get to. I wear reading glasses when I am at the computer and Josey thinks they are there for her to get a hold of and tear up.:S :blink:

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Gizmo does this too, the most keys he has managed to pull off at one time is three. But then he puts the keys in his mouth and starts running away, then if I catch up he puts them in his foot and swings his foot around in all directions and angles thinking i wont be able to get it back....they think they're so smart!

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What kills me is that she won't let it go. I put her on her play top, she climbs down, over the table, onto the sofa, straight to the lap top. I put her on the cage, she flies over, climbs up my leg, and to the lap top. Criminy!:laugh: No amount of discouragement will deter her, she wants to eat it and eat it now and if she can't have it, she wants my ear and in the past few minutes Lily's tail has been added into the mix...I have a very unhappy Chihuahua right now. She wants to sleep and if Greyce can't have the laptop or my ear, then gosh darn it I want Lily's tail!

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They try Muse!! Shane threatens put cement shoes on me sometimes!! My babies are crazy, when i open the cages in the morning they climb all over me, thats when he thinks im going to be carried off!! One day I had 16 on me at once...while trying to feed them all!! That is interesting!! But above all their favorite spot to sit with me is the computer!! So when you notice all my typos....remember its somebody with feathers trying to tell you all hello!!!! LOL!

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They can be such pests :P! Nikko likes to go for earrings. She plucked one out of my mom's ear once (without doing damage, thankfully), and we had a heck of a time getting it back. She rolled it around in her beak, and occasionally stuck it out to mock us, and then sucked it back in before we could take it away. I was terrified she might accidentally swallow it, but we finally won out.


Nikko hasn't discovered the joys of popping off computer keys, so your birds better hush up and not let her in on their little secret :angry:.

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I cured Dayo of keyboard Keys. I took several key's off an old keyboard I had laying around and let him play with them to his hearts content. He became bored with them after two days and no longer even looks at the keyboard, it's just to boring to him now. B)


Now he is enthralled with ink pens and pencils. I have given him "Fake" pencils to tear up, but that hasn't helped. So now we have put up our container (Cup) that we keep them all in. :-)

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Sounds like we all deal with some of the same issues. Maui has put a couple nice scratches in my company laptop too and has hidden one of the keys. I put a perch for him right beside my chair now and I don't let him on me when I am working.

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I'm chuckling as I read all these...I wear glasses sometimes and Klaus just thinks it's party time when I do! One night I was so frustrated I got him off me and set him on top of his cage to play. He knew what for because I'd just scolded him approx 3 times for chewing the glasses. After a little while I picked him back up. He clambered to my shoulder, leaned forward and opened his mouth to get the glasses. Then stopped, thought better of it, and behaved himself. They are so smart!

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