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OMG Sorry Im so excited I had to yell.

Que my TAG is a closet talker. I have had her out all day and the quakers of course are going nuts talking and singing. I'm on the computer playing a game.

And I hear. "what you doing?" I turn to look at her and said "What" and she looked dead at me and said it again!!! I told her I was playing a game. She had not asked again yet.

Yes there are tears in my eyes. Now she is boing the dog barks.

Wonder how long before she talks to me again. lol

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Well she has always talked just not to me. Only when my back is turned or I am in the next room.

She is not talking now but doing a lot of bird noises. Even that is good cause normally when I have her out of the cage she rarely makes a sound. lol

But wow so cool after 8 years for her to talk to me like that.

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Aww :D so cute. Yesterday before the traumatic nail clipping..I was throwing little peices of cracker for the dog and she goes "what are you doin" and I said cookies you want a cookie and she goes NO and I said NO COOKIES??? and she said ok and flew from her cage to me and took one out of my hand lol. They crack me up so bad. She will not talk in front of anyone else though. I keep telling my mom and fiance about how she talks and they say yeh ok because she won't in front of them :(

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That's awesome!!!!! Congrats!!! I bet that startled you didn't it! The first time Bella said something I had this really wierd kind of sureal feeling...


Look forward to hearing more about your talking adventures with her :)

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