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Can a bird choose to NEVER step up?


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Hello everyone. Its me again! As you can see, I took a pic of my baby eating his favorite food in the whold world. Boy does he love corn! I don't give it to him all the time, but when I do, he eats every bit of it!


Anyhow, the reason for my post is because I wanted to ask...is it possible he will never step up? I know I have had him a little under a month, but he has really came along in every other department. He now repeats and talks quite a bit (never on command of course!) He lights up when I talk to him but refuses to "step up". I try everyday, offering him treats and toys- still no luck. He raises one foot at me, then decides to bite my finger instead. (not hard, juts a nibble) but if i continue, he starts biting harder. I will keep trying everyday and see if one day he forgets he is afraid of my hand.


Also, how often should they take a bath? I saw him trying despertly to bathe in his water dish on Monday, so I put a large bowl in his cage. He refused to use his bowl (I swear my CAG was a chicken in a past life! lol) and continued to struggle to "fit" in his water dish. I felt bad for the little guy and took all food and toys out of the cage and took him (cage and all) to the shower. HE LOVED IT! So he was satisfied for 2 days and yesterday he was back to his water dish trick again.


I dont want to be mean, but it was alot to work hauling his jumbo cage into the shower and hoped to do this once a week. Is that not enough? I wouldnt have a problem if I could take him out of the cage and place him on a perch in the shower, but as you know, he refuses to be held.


Any suggestions????

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Hello Yvette,


Since he was 4 years old and in a Feed Barn for most of that time with people poking their hands at him, it is not a surprise that he does not like hands. He probably vies it as an aggressive action.


I know a Month seems like a long time, but he learned this behaviour over 4 years of poking and prodding. I am not saying it will take 6 months or a year to get him to become hand-friendly, but it is going to just take more time and patience. Just keep offering him foods from your hand and perhaps just let it linger in front of him for a while after he takes the food or treat. Does he climb on to your leg, shoulder or other body area?


I can not imagine trying to drag a Cage into a shower :ohmy: is this a small travel Cage or his actual cage? B) Perhaps misting him with a spray bottle might work better and not be so traumatic for him and you.


He sounds like such a wonderful and happy guy that you are enjoying, even at a bit of a distance. :-)

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Have you tried drapping a small towel over your hand? There are a couple Amazons at my work that will attack a bare hand but will step up with ease on a toweled hand. Also, like the others have said, it can take months for your grey to trust your hand after what he has been through.


Also, if you are not going to carry through with stepping him up when he bites, don't offer your hand. You are reinforcing that if he bites he gets what he wants...for your hand to leave. Yes, I know they can bite hard but none the less, you have to follow through.

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Hi Yvette,


I am a firm believer that with patience and persistence you will get him to step up and bond with you. My Granmother's Red Lored Amazon we have had for over 38 yrs now is extremely agressive with people he does not know. He will bite people badly, lots of blood. He was wild caught and we really dont know his history all that well, but believe he was mistreated at least during the capture period.


In any event, my point is that to this day, after 38 year living with our family, he is still aggressive with people he does not know. However, he has proven time and again that he will accept new people, but it may take a year or more of consistent, calm interaction with him. Once the trust is there it is never forgotten and extremely rewarding to have created the bond. He remembers people he has bonded with and steps up quickly even if he has not seen them for years, once the bond is formed.


Keep working with your baby. It may take some time yet and 1 month is a VERY short period in the life span of these animals. You will get there and the reward will be that much sweeter whne you do! B) Keep us posted.

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I guess life would be a little easyer if he would only step up. I will give him all the time he needs but thought I had read once that someone said that their bird never allowed himself to be touched. I was just wondering if that was a possibility as well.


As for the shower, yes I am talking about the actual cage- not a travel cage! I remove all bowls, toys and only leave one perch. Like I said he loved it and I was hoping to do this once a week. I really dont mind, it makes him happy.


As for the towel around the hand, that scares him too. He is actually very easily frightened. I mean like the toys I bought him, he never plays with them. I also bought a perch that attatches to the top of the cage and when I placed it up there, he refused to climb on top of the cage and only hanged around the sides. He doesnt like change at all.

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No they don't like change Yvette so things have to be introduced slowly and gradually so they have a chance to get used to them. Unlike people who like to change their furniture placement from time to time they would prefer it stay the same way forever.


Some grey do indeed dislike any kind of touching but I think you will eventually get him to step up and maybe he will accept head and neck scratches, most love those. Continue to be patient with him and in time I think he will be more accepting of stepping up and some touching.


If he enjoys the shower in the cage and that is the only way you can get him in there then continue with that also, in time he may come out and allow you to take him in to the shower without being in the cage.

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I would not let the bird bite you. That only re enforces a bad habit. Back off. Give him time. Wait for him to come to you then ask him to step up.

Sounds like he will in time.

Bathing is not to tricky. It only took me 6 months to get Que to bath in a bowl of water. If your bird likes veggies or foot toys just put them in the bowl of water and offer it everyday. In the mean time his water bowl is ok and maybe a spray bottle for a wetter bath. So to speak.

Sounds like you have come a long way in one month.

Gratz and keep up the great work.

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You have got great advice here from everyone! I hope in time that he will step up for you but it is entirely possible that he wont. Of course with persistence and patience I hope he will for you!! My DYH Pocco will step up but if you dont have something covering your skin he will then bite!! However if your skin is covered he will sit there happy as a clam. Good luck!!

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