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have you been moved to tears by your bird?


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:) hello everyone,We all know these birds can make us laugh and smile or even put a spring in our step just thinking of them,But has anybody ever been so pleased with there little friend its moved them or near moved them to tears?:) I would love to hear thoses moments,so come share a great story.,

i will start it off. i have been trying to train bernie to shake my hand,and say how do you do.For 2 weeks now,and really thought i was nt getting no where,but kept going cause we both enjoyed the play around,but the other day he done it,flew over to where i was sat and walked over and said how do u do! not only that but lifted his ikkle foot for me to shake:woohoo: i was so proud of him (and myself) i had tears in my eyes.:silly: so my lesson from him was never give in,keep going,;)

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Awwww congrats!!! What a great story!!! I think for me it was just the day I got her, I never thought I would have a grey!! I always tried and tried to save for one but then something would come up and I would need to use the money!! So the day I meet her and brought her home...was the best day of my life!! I was so happy and she steeped up as soon as I got to her old house too!!! She not only was the grey I had always wanted but IMO the best match too!!!

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What an inspiring story Wendy, I think I would have been moved to tears also and how proud you must be to have accomplished that with him. It does give us the motivation to try and do something similar with our own greys, you just have to keep at it and never give up.


Thanks for sharing that with us Wendy!!:P:)

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Juji is sweeter than I could have ever imagined. She is so bonded to me, and makes me laugh with her incredible confidence (to her fault sometimes).


The other day we were on the couch watching a movie and she sat a cuddled with me for 2 hours straight. Every time I would stop petting her she would lower her head for more. If I had my hand somewhere else she would walk to it and rub her head on my hand. I was so touched at how much this little life loved me. (I'm tearing up as I write this).


Kaleb and I have struggled with infertility for almost 7 years, and it's amazing how my little feather child is such a blessing to me.

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I think it would be the day I met her. She was so mean to everyone at work, bi them didnt want to come out to them. When I tried with her she came right to me crawled up my shoulder and said hello for the first time ever it was her first word. She licked my face and was so sweet. I got emotional because she was so beautiful and she was so nice to me. Also, Because I thought she is 1100 dollars I can never afford her and I want her so bad...Then like two days later she was mine :D. Best day ever!

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:) hannah_rae lovely story,i treat my bernie like a baby 2,the kids laugh when i wipe his little beak after he has ate something messy.

Ratioalreasonz,i felt the same way, its a lot o cash for a bird,but sadly i lost my mum and then thought what the heck,lifes to short,and just done it,lol and ive never looked back.Also think that animals soften people,and well thats not a bad thing is it.;)

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