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Male Greys vs Female Greys


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My grey is a female and she is a good talker and she says words and phrases in my voice and my hubby's voice so I don't think talking ability is any different between the sexes. She also talks while we are in the room with her and will also answer us with the same words.

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There is no difference in their talking abilities and some never talk at all. The only way to know for sure if a Grey will talk is by adopting an older bird that is already talking. Voice wise, many do talk in a male voice but that doesn't really have anything to do with their sex. Some will talk in the voice of their preffered person and many will talk in the voice of the rival they compete for attention with.

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Dayo started mumbling at 7 Months and said his first clear "Hello" at 10 months. He does do sound effect great and has been since 5 months. He recently picked up a very loud gun shot sound. We just had our windows all replaced with dual pane low-e glass and they used a nail gun BANG, BANG, BANG. Now, Dayo does that when he wants attention, I guess due to the real GUN getting his ;) :laugh:

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Zahzu also says "i love you" and "peek a boo" and she screams like our nieces and nephews when they are playing outside our house - very irritating! However she gets no attention or response for that ;-)

I think she has picked up a lot because I (Sameera) have been home a lot of the time since we got her as I haven't started work yet since moving here to South Africa... so she has someone to talk to all day - and as insane as it might sound I talk to her all day in return - sometimes I forget she's a bird not a child!!:silly:

Now, while I'm bragging about our Zahzu, I might as well tell you she can also wave (with her left foot), shake hands (right foot) and do a "turn around"... oh, she also has started saying "step up".. hehe...

As you can see we are totally smitten with our baby!

It's amazing what a grey's capabilities are - and to think I had no idea what an African Grey was 1 year ago when I was living in Australia!

Back to the topic - I know male budgies and cockatiels have much better talking abilities than females of those species - but the research I've done indicates there is no difference between the sexes as far as talking goes :) They say females are sometimes more docile than males - but nothing is fact it's just opinion really...and i'd say a LOT would depend on the bird's personality and environment.

geez...zahzu is on my lap and wont let me type - she just wants neck scratches so i'm outta here!


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My grey is a female and she is only 6 months old. She is a great talker and I have had her a little under a month. She says I love you, cookie, wanna come out, here kitty kitty, bad dog (LoL), hello, bye byes, kisses, snuggle, and some others I am sure I am forgetting. I don't think there is a difference between male and females and how they talk. I don't know if females can mimic male voices but I do know that they tend to speak like the voice that speaks to them. If it is a male talking to them they will go lower in tone and such to sound like them.

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Hi Magicalem,


Honestly I have no idea what prompts my birds to say what they do. Some phrases I have tried to "teach" them and they still cant say and some phrases I dont remember even saying to them and they repeat all the time. Every single day for the past 2 years I have said Good morning to Liath - she doesnt say it, but I dont remember saying "What's the story Liath" and that is her favourite expression at the moment. Oisin says Howaya ("How are you" in a thick Irish accent) which none of us say. He must have heard it from a visitor and liked the sound of it!


The only tip I have for you is to talk to them all the time, and hold conversations. Answer them when they talk mumbles pretending you know what they are saying. They love the interaction and will keep talking to you!


By the way, why dont you introduce yourself and your grey in the welcome room?

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