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GOOD news....


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Hello all. I've been away for a while from the forums. Just been lazy, and kinda busy.

Tonto has just become adorable. He put his head down for me and let me scratch his head finally. That is something great. Today he followed me around the house and found me in the kitchen cooking and climbed up to my shoulder.


One issue: Since this evening, he has been making this cough/sneez type of noise. He also breathes heavy once in a while like he has a bad throat. But the doc said he is fine. What is this sneez/cough type of noise? IS HE SICK or is it something he has just learned???


HELP. I will take him to the vet tomorrow afternoon for his vitamins and other shots. I will also check on this with the doctor. But anyone had a similar problem?

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Juji makes a sneezy type noise when she is really happy and playful, kind of like when a dog huffs I suppose. Kaleb thinks it's so cute. :) I agree :)


My foster Grey, Rockelle, mimicked my phlemy cold so well that she would hold her foot up to her beak. It was sooo cute, but pathetic at the same time. :laugh:

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Bobbing the tail is often a sign of difficulty breathing. If this is happening even when it should be relaxed then it could be serious but it if happens briefly after exertion (flying, flapping, etc) then it may not be anything. It sounds like a vet check-up might be a good idea.

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Hi All,


Just talked to the vet, she says bring him in in the evening. I read online that tail bobbing is a not healthy. He has been doing it all night long. So I let him sleep on his perch last night to keep an eye on him.


Poosr thing made the noise all night and was bobbing his tail too.

Hope it is not too serious....


Judy....... I had flu past week, but Tonto does not talk yet. Just makes whistling noises.

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I did not know that tail bobbing was a sign of distress in breathing, my oversight for not checking that out, but glad to hear you are taking him in for a check. I hope he is going to be ok and please keep us informed, I will be thinking about you two today.

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Hello all...


I LOVE YOU GUYS for all your concerns and prayers.


I visited my great Vet. She checked him and told me right away that he had caught the flu. She gave her an Anti-biotic shot and another one for the worms (he was due).

After about half an hour, he started pooping funny yellow green stuff. And then sneezed up some watery liquid. She said to observe him till tomorrow and if he does not get well, she will admit him for three days to administer the anti-biotics.


I got him groomed too while I was there.



P.S: Those wrere not mimics. Poor thing did not sleep all night yesterday. Now he is quiet and brething much much better. Tail bobbing has stopped.

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The poor little man. Its a good job you brought him. There is a lesson in this for all of us. I didnt know tail bobbing was a bad sign either. And of course we all assume coughing and sneezing is mimicking us!


I am sure he will be fine now.



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Poor thing, to tell you the truth I didn't know they could actually cough and sneeze, see we all learn something new every day and this is mine for today.


I'm glad his tail bobbing has stopped and hopefully the antibiotics will help him and he will be over it real soon.


But be prepared, he will mimic the sneezes, coughs, clearing throats and such as he hears them and you will swear a person did them it sounds so real.:whistle:

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