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Do you think it's possible?


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I left this morning to go into DC. I put treats in Bella's cage, latched the top part, and slid the door latch shut. I put treats in Jiggy's cage and did the same thing. Then I left.


I get home in the afternoon and there's Bella, sitting pretty on the OPEN door of her cage! :ohmy:


Now I know I closed it and latched it! Does anyone have experience with greys opening cage doors?? This cage is suppose to be secure with a little latch on the top and one in the middl eand one on the bottom!


Now I don't know if my greyhounds had something to do with it - maybe a collaboration between the hounds and Bella??? There was a show on about this greyhound who served as a shelter's mascot and he opened all the cages at night and let all the animals out. They were only able to catch him with a cam.


Is it possible????

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Shamelessmuse wrote:

It is possible that Bella did it on her own. One of my friends Greys has to have a padlock on the cage. He keeps the key on a peg right next to the cage just in case, but otherwise his Grey will always escape!


Oh no, that's all I need! I'm wondering if she's learned a little too much from those puzzle toys! Well, tomorrow I have an afternoon meeting. I'll see if it happens again. I think in the new house I'm going to intall a Nanny cam so I can see what theys guys are up to!

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Yeh, my dad always goes to this one pet store and the guy was telling a story about a macaw who they kept finding on the shelves in the morning and they couldn't understand they actually fired a few people because they told them not to leave it open and the bird just kept getting out. Finally he installed a camera aimed at the cage and when they would leave for the night the bird would open the cage and come right out and help himself to things in the store. This story has me super paranoid with my bird getting out and chewing wires or getting something bad. But the way my cage locks she would need super human/bird strength to ever get it open. I am sure your bird is quite capable of opening the cage, which on one hand is bad but the other says just how smart your baby really is.

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It is possible that Bella could have opened the cage herself, they are very smart and some of them figure it out easily, so far Josey has not. But I have heard of some people who have had to have some kind of lock installed on the cage to keep in some birds that open their cages up and leave, but most of them were some kind of macaws or cockatoos.


You got a little escape artist there Terri:laugh:

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Oy vey everyone, now this is not good news LOL Dang! She's really giving me a run for my money this month! :blink: She reminds me so much of my son when he was little :woohoo: I just couldn't do enough to keep him busy, he was always figuring out new things to get into. I'd buy him a bike, he'd take it apart instead of riding it :blink:


I can't believe how that little Bella imp was sitting on her door as if nothing was amiss! Well, I'm going to give it one more try and see if for some reason or another I hadn't latched it properly, and if she does get out. I'm going to work in my office upstairs tomorrow and not take her with me, and see if she tries it again. If she is getting out, I'm just going to put a lock on it, which I really hate to do! But I can't have her running around with out supervision - she is just WAY too curious about everything...

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Well it looks like you are gonna have to get a lock and put on her door, she is a smart cookie and probably sits there on the door all proud of herself when you come in, "Wow, look what I can do". She will get into all kinds of trouble if allowed to continue to get out and maybe hurt herself, too risky.:ohmy:

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judygram wrote:

Well it looks like you are gonna have to get a lock and put on her door, she is a smart cookie and probably sits there on the door all proud of herself when you come in, "Wow, look what I can do". She will get into all kinds of trouble if allowed to continue to get out and maybe hurt herself, too risky.:ohmy:


Yes, I'm going to see if she does it again today. I'm just going to be upstairs so I'll hear if she's up to something and I'll see if I can quietly observer her (I'm going to spy on her!!!! B) ) If she does it again - that's it - a lock goes on.


And she WAS sitting on that door as if she owned everything in her sight!

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Nychsa wrote: "And she WAS sitting on that door as if she owned everything in her sight!"


You think she doesn't B)


I would get a lock for your Cage. Whether it is Bella or your Greyhounds, but one of them has figured out the latch. :-) I would suspect Bella more than your dogs. :-)


It will be interesting to see what you find out today, although Bella will know you are home upstairs and may not fall for that one. ;)

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:laugh: Dan! I thought I would have some time before she started "claiming" her territory!


You're right about her realizing I'm usptairs - even though she is messing with the door as I'm typing here. She actually goes into her cage around 9 am every day on her own as that's usually when I leave for the office. And even when I don't latch the door after her, she stays in there and begins to play wiht all her things.


But she absolutely loves her puzzle toys with the keys and the goodies in side the boxes, so maybe the latch is just another puzzle toy to her to figure out and she's just doing it for kicks and giggles??? :whistle:

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LOL well, she didn't even bother to wait for me to go upstairs - just goes to show how much authority I have around here :dry: I see what has changed in her cage - I put another perch in her cage. I thought it would be nice for her to have several in there at different levels since she's such a little climber. Well, when she sits on the new one it puts her little beak right next to the latch for her cage! Of course she started to work on that! Now that I one I can see her getting open, but the little one on the top - that one I dont' understand how she got that one. She didn't manage to get that one undone while I was here. I saw her climbing around on the top of her cage, hanging upside down. I think maybe yesterday she got it by accident?


Well, there's one more latch at the bottom and I'll use that one too to secure her. I have to run to a meeting, so I think with the bottom latch, she shoudl be secured - hopefully :woohoo:

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This thread cracks me up!! Hopefully that bottom latch is a bit harder!! Otherwise dont be surprised when she gets out!! We had to make it so we cant open Fawkes feed doors, no other ways worked. We also have as many as 5 different locks on her main door when we leave!! Sometimes we come home and all her locks that came with the cage are undone and half the others are too!! Once we came home and she only had one lock left!!:blink: Just hope your Bella doesnt get to that point!! It takes me like 10-15 minutes to get past all of the locks on Fawkes cage!!<br><br>Post edited by: MommaFawkes, at: 2008/03/06 20:44

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Well, the bottom latch held!!! But.... I also did a bit of distraction strategy before I left: I made a few more foraging opportunities for her - new ones, ones she hasn't seen yet, and then I put her favorite puzzle toys in her cage (those are usually on her playtop), so she was quite busy and may have totally forgotten about trying to break out :P Dang, maybe I need to buy her some Sudoku!


Well... I'm on notice - I will pay close attention to what I latch and close.


Fawkes if we get as far yours is, I'm going to go nutso!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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LOL Nychsa, no respect even when your home :P That ok, I think we all get that attitude. :-)


I hate to be a party pooper, but if Bella has become a knowledgeable lock picker, she will get them all open sooner or later. I would just buy a lock and put it on each time I left the house. She won't be able to get that open, unless you have given her a lock picking tool to play with. :-)

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Oy Dan, Judy, I think you're right - When Bella gets into something, she is totally undeterred! Climbing up the side of the counter was one of her latest accomplishments. So, I try to distract her, and get her to do other things, but she has, what we call in meditation practices, a very "one pointed mind"!


When my son used to get onto something I would turn him around, divert him, get his attention else where, and off he was. Not my Bella. This morning she was after the curtains. I picked her up, spun her around, kissed her belly and put her on her table perch to play with her toys. Totally undeterred she jumped right back off, on to my leg and ran right back to the curtains! :S


So - the latches are more then likely the same deal :( I do think I'm going to need to buy a lock - just for my own peace of mind!

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