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Cookie is coming around!


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We adopted our 8 year old Grey, Cookie, at the end of November. The

first two months were glorious. LOL! The next month, not so much.

Everyone told us the honeymoon period was over... well, it certainly

was!! He would no longer step up to me, especially in or near his



Well, after a month of me backing off on the step up, and just sort

of talking to him but leaving him alone for the most part...he is

coming back around. Of course, I've been bribing him with treats,

and even a few times when I think he wanted me to pick him up, I

didn't... sort of just to let him know I am still the boss.

(Actually.. I pretty much know I'm not...LOL)


He's learning things like, when I get home and open his cage, he has

free reign...I won't force him to step up. When I'm ready to go

downstairs, I turn the lights out and ask him if he wants to go with

me, and he'll step up from inside the cage in that instance. So...

we are learning together...and I LOVE it.


He was even starting to "bite" ... but not really. However, it was

getting harder. Now, he's back to the fake "i'm gonna bite you"

move, but when his beak goes to my finger, it's about as soft as

could be.


He's the biggest LOVE!!!


Thanks for listening... there are only a few who can understand the

joy of bonding with your Grey! :)



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:) hiya,i have a african grey also,although ive had him since a baby,ive had him 2years this year.But i still enjoy all the learning we do togather,infact my hubby was saying to me lastnight he needs to get a featherd outfit so i can pay him some attention:woohoo:
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