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Looking to get a baby grey - Advice please


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Hello! I just found this forum while doing some research. I am considering adding a grey to our current flock and would like some input. I currently am owned by a Vos Eclectus, a goffin's, and a sun conure. I would ideally like to be able to bring the grey to work with me daily. I also have 6 dogs. The birds are kept in my family room where the dogs are not allowed. I have heard that some greys tend to be neurotic and would like some opinions. I want to educate myself to their needs before taking the plunge! Thanks!



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Hello Claire, you have a nice bunch of birds, I have a sun conure also.


I would suggest you read thru as many of the threads here for lots of useful information and it will answer some if not all of your questions about the grey.


BTW, introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us a little about you and your birds.

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Hello Claire! I have a Quaker that is 12 and a TAG that is 10 months and we are just getting a Goffin as well! Welcome to the forum and as Judy said read up on as much as you can, for there are a ton of good info on this forum!


As for the dogs and stuff, we have 5 of them! My TAG seems to be fine with them. I have read though that the TAG's are a little less picky as far as the person they choose, they tend to be a family bird and they also tend to pick less compared to studies done. But that isn't keeping me from one day getting a CAG. So I wouldn't worry too much about your dogs except for them eating them lol. Keeping them in the family room is awesome! They love the attention! I would try to get a younger one being you have a flock already and dogs as well, that way the baby could get used to it all. As if it were an older bird it may have had a nice quite home before and than all the noise and stuff may make it pick. But just ask away if you have questions and please read, read, read!

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I'd like to know if anyone travels with their grey. He would be taking a 1/2 hr each way car ride to work 5 days a week. I'm assuming if we start right away that he would probably adjust pretty well? Also, my ekkie needs a very specific diet. What do you all feed your grey's. And I have a 36" X 23" (approx) cage with a playtop that I kept my ekkie in for about 6 mos (before I bought him a huge corner cage), is that sufficient??

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Yes Claire there are a bunch of us that travel with our Grey's. That doesn't seem too bad though only 1/2 hour each way. I'm sure like you said that he will get used to it especially if you do it while they are young. Just make sure they can't fly off. That would be a bad thing!

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