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Snorting, wheezing, and blushing -


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Tiny continues to be a very happy baby, and wants to be included in everything around the house. Much more than our Eclectus had, and continues to be so differnt in many ways.

Has anyone else noticed a snorting and wheezing sound as their bird gets excited? Tiny almost sounds like someone who has a cold, along with some blushing around the eyes. I have seen references to blushing as somewhat common, but I am wonder about the special noise. It is as actually kinda cute. I mentioned this to the vet during the initial check, and he said Tiny seemed fine. Maybe this is an inherent trait?

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Yeah, Elmo makes weird noises too, almost like weezing, when he gets going. It's nothing to worry about.



If you ever notice a clicking noise or gaping when he is breathing then you have major problems...like air-sac mites.

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I can totally empathize with you atreasure! Spring is here and my seasonal allergies started back up to include an occasional cough. Three days ago Bella started mimicking my cough and I went into a panic thinking she had a respitory problem! It totally freaked me out I was ready to run to the Vet with her. My partner then pointed out to me that she's doing this in the middle of her chatter reptoire and that she's coping me. I'm still anxious about it and I'm thinking just for my own peace of mind I want her checked out - but it is still unnerving!!!!!

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I can understand how you must feel, Terri, you hear them doing all these noises that sound like coughing, sneezing, hacking throat noises, wheezing and you name it and you think they are sick but they are just mimicing what they hear on a daily basis. Josey does the same thing and it usually is scattered in amongst the other words and phrases she repeats several times a day for our enjoyment.:laugh:

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LOL Judy! How on earth is one to tell if they have a problem or not??? Well, I think as part of our pre-travel visit to the vet, I'm going to get him to show me how I can examine her to make sure she doesn't have breathing distress or something. This is driving me crazy because it really sounds like she has a cough! I mean I did get what my partner was saying, and I doubly realized that he was right when Bella lifted her little foot and put it in front of her beak when she "coughed":laugh: That's when I KNEW she was messing with me!!


But it did make me aware that I need to know how to tell when she's having a problem.

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I hear ya, Terri, and it could be a problem to tell when they actually have a problem but I wouldn't think that coughing and sneezing would be a part of their normal symptoms if they were sick but then what would I know.


If you find out how to tell if they do have any breathing problems be sure to let us know here, we all are in the same boat so to speak, so it would help to know what to look for.:P

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