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Que a dud?


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Thought that might get your attention.:P


I have been reading all the wonderful stories about people and their greys and I can't help but think I have a dud.:unsure:


She is not very chatty even in the closet she does not say a lot of words. She does not do a lot of sounds either.


For the past year I have been spending extra time with her in hopes she would "perk" up so to speak but she still sits for the most part like a lump on the log when out of the cage.


Sometimes I think it has to do with having to many birds and not spending even more time with her.


I have noticed a lot of the birds that people talk about how smart ect... they are, belong to people that only have one or two birds.


I was reading an article about MBS and how having to many birds can hurt your bond with them.


I just wonder if 4 pet birds is just two too many but just can't seem to justify giving any up.


Maybe I worry to much. Joey seems fine with the attention he gets and is very playful when out of his cage. Topaz is the same way. But Que is so calm when out and does not play with her toys she has a lot. Mostly in the evening she plays But as you know she is not a morning bird.;)


Am I over worried. Is she happy but just not as smart? Did I not encourage her enough when she was young cause of my fear of messing her up? And therefor messed her up?


What can I do to bring her out of her shell more at this point in her life?

Any ideas at all please.

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I am not saying my birds are the smartest kids on the block, but I have LOTS of pets. 2 Greys, one caique, 2 budgies, cockatiel, and 2 dogs. They all need time and attention. I think all birds have different personalities. Liath is a snuggler and a talker, Oisin is aloof and is happier on top of a door watching the proceedings from afar.


Once Que is happy I wouldnt worry about what you did and didnt do, I should think that is just her personality.


How old is she? Maybe when she hits adolesence (if she hasnt already) her cheeky streak will emerge!

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Tari, I think you just have one of the quieter and more laid back greys while some of the members have some that are more rambunctious and vocal. I don't think there is anything wrong with her. And having 4 pet birds I don't thing is so many as some have a lot more so I am sure you are spending as much time with Que that those others with many spend with their grey.


I think some of the ones who have greys they have boasted about do spend a lot of time with them and work with them somewhat so they have accomplishments to brag about that you do not but it does not mean that Que is not as smart. You just haven't worked with her enough to bring it out of her.


Don't worry about it Tari, I think you are doing fine and as long as Que is happy and healthy then she is being herself.:P

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Oh Tari, your doing fine a Que is normal. :-)


I believe it's just that we watch our Greys like a hawk and grab a camera and shoot photos or post a description of what they did. Your a quite a bit more busy with your other birds and tasks. We probably do spend more time with out Greys a little more than you, but that's because we have it.


Dayo does not play all day long and go crazy. He, for the most part is happy to sit and watch whats going on, preen, eat, vocalize at times etc. But it's not like it is constant.


We do spend "snuggle" time with him every evening from 630 to 8 and he just loves snuggling, getting scratches etc. and then off to bed for him.


Every household is different and so is every Grey, so don't be hard on yourself!! :-)


We all know you love all your birds dearly and spend as much time as you can with them.

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Tari, You are doing just fine with your grey and some just dont talk as much. They say that you can always hope a bird will pick up the human language but not all will. For instance even finches CAN talk....mine don't. I have several birds...I believe I have like 20-23 of them, I do feel confident that they get enough time spent with them and I do my best with them everyday. I think you do too!! Amazons are also supposed to be wonderful talkers, I have 2 and one talks then my red-lored doesnt....he only makes these tiny little chortle noises. So its just the birds will really, it may not have anything to do with how much time you spend with them or anything. Certainly Que is just as smart as other birds....in fact hes showing just how cunning he is!! Hes showing you that, Hey you know I can talk but I CHOOSE not to! LOL!! How long have you had him> Did you get him as a baby?

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Oh Tari, Que isn't a dud. She just isn't a loud mouth! You are a wonderful mom, the fact that you are concerned that you aren't shows you care that much. A friend of the family has 4 Greys and two will talk your ear to pieces, 1 talks only when he wants something and one rarely makes a peep. I hope that one day Greyce will talk, I know I have had heard a couple of times the start of a word....but I will love her just the same if she doesn't. She isn't the most playful bird in the world. She does play sometimes. But, every bird is different.


The only things that might change things up a bit. Do you have a bird room or all they all in the room the family spends the most time? If you have them in a room, then maybe pull her out to the family room or something and see if that brings out a diffrent side of her. It may just be that you have a wonderful quiet bird. It doesn't mean she isn't smart, it just means she isn't a show off!;)

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