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Well thank you Joe! I think that is very sweet of you to say! But honestly I do it exactly for the reason you say, they are our creation and they pretty much represent us as a family, the way they act is all looked at how we have raised them. And if we have done well as parents. But like you know me lol I will keep trying and finding all kinds of ways cause I do not like to fail. And raising my family is #1 for me. Without my family a person doesn't have much! Money is just green, but without someone to share it with or spend it on, it means nothing. Money is a pleasure, and although we all love the pleasure of it, some of us have decided to put it aside to do what is most important and try to make this crappy world into a better place for the future lol. Of course you can't stay home if your a one parent family, you have to have the money coming in, but I mean the extra money is a pleasure. If you have too many bills that both of you have to work, than you have dug yourself a hole lol. Like Jessie and I have always said, why fight about money, did it grow some on the tree out back? Nope, so don't fight about something you can't change, just love what you have and do everything you can to take care of it and watch it grow while you can! It won't be long and they will be out of the house on on their own, and we are waiting and wondering if they will be stopping in to say hello. But I already know my kids aren't going anywhere lol My daughter informed us that she is moving on the property and she is getting a ton of animals, as if we don't have enough already lmao I think our count is up to 41!

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Tony's wife thought it was very romantic when he vowed to have a picture of her tattooed on his arm.



"There's just no pleasing some women!" he moaned, after she threw him out of the house.


removed by admin. ~FAMILY FORUM~


Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2008/04/04 20:40<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/04/05 04:23

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lmao yes I thought the same thing, didn't want to say that I agreed or disagreed that would make you think things of me lol. But way too rustic! lmao


lol but since when do I care what people think lol<br><br>Post edited by: Ronda477, at: 2008/04/04 22:09

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Guess I fell down on the job....I should have taken that Arm Pit photo down. Talon was right in doing so.


This is a family forum with very young eyes that absorb everything they see, hear and read. I have complained several times too over the last year about some content getting a little explicit.


We can have our fun, but we need to camouflage our posts and thoughts with innuendos that we get but young ones don't. :-)


We'll meet at your place Ronda for a good time ;-) know what I mean :whistle:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/04/05 14:03

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Yes Dan, their are certain members that do tend to post content that is adult oriented. We here welcome ALL ages in our forum, not adults only. If anyone here wants a forum to post photos that are for adults only, then I recommend they find another forum. THIS FORUM WAS CREATED FOR AFRICAN GREYS. I, over the past 6 months, have watched this forum take a different direction. There are many times, that I personally have wanted to shut some of these threads down, but I can't put my personal feelings before being fair to everyone here.

I would like to see us get back to the main focus, and that is our greys. It's nice to come here and have fun, but we should remember, that we all joined this forum for one reason, and that is our cherished greys.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/04/05 14:58

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FYI Joe, Frank has been in the process of moving, and is still without internet and will be for a while still. The underground cables at his house in FL, are being dug up as they are not working properly. But he did manage to get on a few nights last week, too bad you missed him.

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Hi Joe,


I appreciate your concern for my well being, but I think maybe you may have misunderstood the intent of my post. I did not feel threatened or even as if I had somehow been reprimanded for not taking the post down myself. I have been VERY busy with work lately and so engrossed in restructuring, software design, updates and personnel issues. That when I do come on it is a quick look, reply and then back to work. So I was negligent in not recognizing that the photo was inappropriate.


I agreed with Talon 100% that the photo she removed was inappropriate. I have long been an advocate of keeping this site a place where all ages can come and not be exposed to anything they may not be expecting to find on a Forum devoted to African Greys. Many here have children that get online and enjoy seeing the Greys photos, videos and posts by our members and some of them also post. I would much rather see all members spend more time posting new Topics and sharing what their Greys are doing, photos, videos etc. That's what we all essentially come here for and look forward to finding. I believe, due to the low volume of posts related to each others Greys, we find ourselves bored and start topics and posts about everything under the sun just to get others to post and keep our minds and ourselves entertained.


CD is a good guy and has been going through the fires of Hell for months now and I certainly would not want to be in his shoes. I do know, that as soon as he gets connected again and has his house back in order, we will see him on here just as active, if not more so than before.


Every place we go in life has rules that we must follow. If they did not exist, there would just be chaos everywhere and no respect for others.


So to avoid chaos, lose focus on why this forum exists and try to keep EVERYONE happy and find visiting here enjoyable and a place they view as a meeting of friends with like interests, we must have rules.


I hope I have explained this well and not offended anyone. I just want to have fun and enjoy the friendship of everyone. :-)

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No, Joe, I didn't misread your post or think you attacked me. :-)


I don't think this thread is off color, except that last one did become so and your right, I did post to it. Thats why I said I was negligent in just responding to it and not even thinking about it in my haste to answer and move on back to work.


I don't hold my feelings back and I know you don't either Joe. I also do not PM to hide anything either.


I think thats what makes you and I REAL. What you see is what I think and I will tell it to your or anyone elses face, just as you will. :-)

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