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Do you find yourself saying...


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"Stop that!", "Leave it!" "That's no, no!" Almost all day long? You know, the last time I went through this, my son was 2 years of age! How are you doing with your two year old substitute? Love to hear the stories:



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Hannah_Rae wrote:

So far the only thing Juj is notorious for is pulling off keyboard keys off the laptop in a split second. My husband didn't heed my warning and his work laptop nearly lost it's function key for good. :)


Oooh, see, my conure Jiggy showed me that's a parrot favorite, so I've been keeping Bella's eager beak away from my keys! I learned my lesson! :P

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Makena is always chewing the newspaper on the top of his cage and if he can reach the curtains he will go after those. He chews my fingers, shirts and hair all the time. If I leave him alone for five seconds he will fly off his cage and chew the carpet, floorboards, walls, or anything laying on the floor. He chews the sofa, pillows and blankets. When he perches on my computer he loves to chew the screen. When I take him in the shower he is always trying to chew the perch and shower head. If I bring him in the kitchen he will run down my arm and try to chew the coffee pot, can opener, toaster, basically anything he can get his talons on.


I wouldn't be surprised if "NO MAKENA" were his first words! :pinch: I know he knows what it means, he just doesn't like to listen!!

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Yes SweetHeart's play top is right by the blinds. They are wooden and she just loves them! I am all the time saying NO NO NO Sweety. And there is some candle holders hanging on the wall as well. Of course we don't use them any more, but still there for decoration, or should I say for her to get on and try to balance lol.





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LOL That's a riot Makena!! Bella will either run off when I clap my hands and say "no Bella!" or she'll run towards me, and give me "kissies" and then run right back to what she was doing :S Sometimes she clucks at me when I say 'no, no!"

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Those are adorable pictures Ronda!! Awweeee Sweetheart is a real Sweety!! Curtains seems to be a favorite theme - I wonder what it is about the curtains????:dry:


Did you know Sweetheart and Bella have very close birthdays??? Didn't you say Sweetheart's birthday was on May 10? Bella's is on May 14 :laugh: Maybe we should have a joint B-day party!!

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By every cage I have posters from Bird talk magazine, I find my self saying (mainly to Fawkes and Pocco) " No now you leave that poster, no bad girl" Then of course she says "oh bad girl, bad bird" then takes a break and tells herself "Ohh good girl, pretty grey bird!" LOL!!

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LOL Fawkes! You know, I'm pretty darn sure they know they are pulling our leg! Bella has driven me to exasperation with her persistance, and then mimics my laugh - no you tell me that wasn't intentional!:woohoo: :woohoo:

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Oh yes "that's a no no" "Bad birdie" "danger" these are said often just five minutes ago I yelled danger because Kika was attempting to pull a picture frame off of the wall and that is a big no no. Also I don't know if anyones bird makes a noise where you place your tounge on the roof of your moth and create a click of some sort. But I find myself now using this randomly in public or at work when seeing animals..I even call my dog with it now..We are not owners of grey's but ownder by greys lol.

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Riley has a lamp close to his cage and at times he can reach it. As of now, we are on our 3rd lamp shade. I have one I put out when we have guests over.:P


RIley will climb down on the side of his cage and yell "No, that's naughty" and proceed to take a chunk out of the lampshade...Then he scurries up to the top of his cage and says " Naughty bird" and laugh!!!!!

It's hard not to laugh, but I try to appear a little miffed,. I will say to him " Riley Jo, what am I going to do with you?" ...His response is "Gimme kiss":kiss:


God, I love that little ball of Fluff more than life itself.:)


PS... Thanx to Riley I now have to look for new carpet. He has chewed 5 huge holes in it. I have rearranged that furniture and bought throw rugs to cover them up!!!!<br><br>Post edited by: cinlnk, at: 2008/03/05 08:23

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LOL Cinlnk! You make my point exactly! They know they're not suppose to do it, and they get a bang out of it :evil: Bella knows darn well I'm going to get up, and say 'no', and chase her off, and she runs off when I do! The kissies really get me! What are you suppose to do??? How can you resist that???




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Yes, Oisin is the baby, exactly one year younger than her :)


He can't talk much yet, so the poor little mite can't even defend himself! Won't it be hilarious when he can though, I can see arguments starting like my kids...


Its wasnt me... it was her

No it wasnt, it was HIM!



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I'm sure one day I'll regret this wish, but Dorian doesn't chew things, he just doesn't know that's something he's supposed to like to do. I guess he was never given a chewable toy. He rips paper, but that's all. I had to get his beak trimmed today because it was so overgrown. He never does anything to wear it down. This will probably end up a bad case of 'be careful what you wish for' but right now I'd take a chewed up lampshade! Oh, and the pictures of Sweetheart hanging from the wall sconce are priceless!

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