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Potty training and older Grey


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Good afternoon all,


I've been reading over some of the previous threads on potty training a Grey, and some of the techniques seem to have been partially sucessful with my grey Rascal. I have found some times when she is likely to poop, such as first coming out of the cage, after a good preening session, and what not. I hold her over a piece of paper towel and tell her to "go poop" and she usually does. However, after about a month and a half of this, she has not ever shown me that she will hold it in between times I ask her, even if I ask every 20 minutes or so. She just seems to take smaller, more frequent poops.


Rascal is 10 years old and I just got her that month and a half ago. The breeder said that he did not believe the previous owners had potty trained her at all.


I've tried the method of interrupting her when she shows signs, but as soon as she squats down, it's too late. When she wants to poop, she's going to poop, even if I'm picking her up and moving her to the paper. There's literally only about one second between the first sign and the splat.


She has totally no regard for where she is, either. She can be sitting on my leg or on the back of my chair. Sure is nasty when she poops between me and the chair and I squish it when I lean back to try to move her. :P


Does anyone have tips for a re-homed and/or older bird?

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I've heard a number of people mention birds no pooping unless told once they're trained, but I'm sure hoping for some kind of happy medium. Even just this evening Rascal was sitting on my knee for a head scratch, so her head was down and her tail was in the air. Next thing I knew there was a sloppy mess dripping down my leg Icky....


One thing though - everyone I've seen mention this 'over-training' thing has only ever heard of it, never witnessed it first hand. Not to doubt anyone's sources, but I was curious if anyone had witnessed this first hand.


Thanks for the articles, Tari! :)

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No I have not. Joey my RLA won't poop when on me so I put him back a lot. I did not train this he came that way. lol

I don't let birds sit on my shoulder much and when I do they only stay for like 5 minutes.

I knew when I got my bird pooh was part of it. So I keep towels around for my lap when they are on my lap and I keep a lot of tissue near by.

When I know they are going to pooh cause of the tail up thing I move them off me.

Good luck

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Hi WildMike - It sounds like you are doing all the right things. It is going to be a longer process to get it 100% under control. But, you've gotten farther than I so far. :-) I know what you mean in regards the poop squishing......ewwwww I hate that, what a mess on two items instead of one.:S

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