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Not a good vet visit


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So, I am new here and recently wrote about my bird Lila and how we were having a vet come to my house to examine her. I will NEVER use that vet again...she was AWFUL! First of all, I was charged $170.00 ($60 for travel and I live walking distance from her office...not fair to me that I have to pay the same as someone who lives 30 miles away) and then the $90.00 for wing trimming, nail clipping and then an extra $20.00 for the stool sample.


She made me feel like I am a terrible bird owner that has no clue what I am doing. I will be honest here and say that I do not know everything, but I am pretty informed about the care of birds. I went to the University of Connecticut and have an Associates and Bachelors Degree in Animal Science. I have taken nutrition classes, companion animal classes, avian medicine classes, etc. You name it, I have learned about it. Once I told her that I had the degrees her tune changed a bit.


When she first got there, I felt like she was tearing me apart...you have too many toys for her, you are offering her too many different foods, you should take the grate out of the bottom of her cage, I can smell a candle (there was no candle) she is afraid of the cats, you need to get the cat box in another room, etc., etc.


I have lots of toys for her b/c I want her to have something to play with, I offer her 4 different foods (2 different pellets, one seed and one seed w/ pellets) along with a large variety of fruits and veggies EVERY SINGLE DAY) I change her water 3 times a day, I like the grate in the bottom of her cage for cleanliness so that she isn't walking around in her poo and discarded food and so that she isn't playing w/ the newspaper. I change her paper and clean the grate EVERY SINGLE DAY.


Then the issue of getting her out of the cage...she was chastising me for not letting her out. Well, I have only had her a month and she is very aggressive and I didn't know where to start. I though I was doing right by Lila to let her adjust to us being around and her new atmosphere and honestly, I wanted the vet to examine her and show me where to start and I explained that to her and she wasn't having it.


THEN...she started in on me about how Lila didn't have any hand toys...well, I went in the other room and brought about 10 in to her b/c I HAD been giving them to her and everytime I would introduce one, she would start to sit on it and act like she had an egg. Not only did she not apologize for basically yelling at me b/c she didn't think she had any, she didn't offer any solution as to how to handle giving them to Lila...I know she likes to play, but she closes down and acts funny like she is a hen everytime she has one.


Last night we did leave her cage door open and she was peeking out...we are going to do this every night and give her the opportunity to come out at her own pace...our goal is to try to handle her so that we can bring her to my regular vet who is the very best in the world!

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Beth, I am sorry to hear the home vet visit did not go well, she could have cut you some slack on the bill since she didn't have to come very far, but her yelling at you was unprofessional to say the least. I agree with you, I wouldn't use her again either.


You are doing the best you know how and she should have tried to give you some solutions instead of berating you for what she thought you were doing wrong. I agree, open her cage door and allow her to come out on her own, it does take a while for them to build trust but she will.


Thanks for updating us on this home visit, I was just wondering how it went, it certainly is not worth it if that is the service you get.

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Wow, what ridiculous charges :ohmy:! When I took Nikko to the vet, he groomed her nails, beak, and wings free of charge. My bill was less than yours, and we even had blood work done. Thank goodness you have another vet you can go to in the future!


The vet obviously had no tact with handling humans, but how was she with Lila?

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Thanks guys! I agree


Judy-solutions would have been the better choice..I mean, it's not like I am saying I am right, I am right, etc. I would love constructive criticism-that's why I come on here! It was like she was telling me to open the cage and reach right in...I know I wouldn't want someone to do that to me! I will NEVER use that crazy woman again!


Spooky-Yeah, she was very bad w/ me and didn't really do much handling of Lila-her vet tech. was really nice and really gentle w/ Lila...the vet had a really rough time cutting Lila's nails and there was alot of blood, but I am guessing (hoping) that it was b/c she has probably never had her nails cut...poor Lila...her toes must me so sore :(


Also, she only cut one wing...what are everyone's thoughts on this? I have read conflicting statements, but my regular vet cuts both of my cockatiels wings.<br><br>Post edited by: auntiebethd, at: 2008/03/04 17:37

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OMG Beth, she only clipped one wing, I can't believe that, any idiot knows you have to clip both wings equally or they won't glide properly, it leaves them imbalanced.


And then when cutting her talons Lila bled all over the place, thats just not right, if done properly there should not have been any blood shed, this woman sounds like she must be really stupid or just does not give a crap, you poor dear, no wonder you are so upset, I would be too.:angry:

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One wing? wow that vet needs to catch up with the times. No one does it that way anymore.

I have heard others say greys should not have grates on the bottom because in the wild they well forage on the ground but that is in the wild where they wont be walking in pooh all day. But I can see where she gets that from.

Sounds like four toys is perfect and the food you are offering (other then the seed I don't give mine any except as a treat.) Is great.

While it was a little pricy I was thinking how great is it that you had a vet that well come out. Not that I would let one in my house.

And I see her point about the litter box. If you are letting your grey out you don't want that litter box anywhere near so he won't get into it.

None of mine have foot toys in their cages they do get to play with them when out cause all they do is poop all over them if they are in the cage.

But the vet should have better people skills to be a pet. Sorry you had a very bad day but so glad it is done and now you know your baby is well.

It is great that you are start to let her come out. I hope in time you two well build a good enough bond that next time you need to go to the vet you can go somewhere else and take the bird in.

Nails are hard to do and not cut to much. I do my own for the most part but I keep something near by like flour incase I do to much.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/03/04 18:35

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WOW!!! First of all I did not think you could offer to many toys!! Second One wing? Thats crap!! Bleeding nails? I can see why you are so upset, that sucks!! I take fawkes to groomer at a small non-chain petstore her for wings and nails, its $7 for wings and $7 for nails, he also does beaks for $7!! Never has he made my birds bleed, and I take them in even if their nails are just to sharp, he just takes the very tip off and NO blood! Foot toys are a great thing to offer on a playtoop, but I dont give them in the cage either. I agree with what you are doing, just opening the door and letting her out at her own pace!! Some take longer than other, my quaker has been with us for over a year and does not come out...her door is open from the time I get up until I put them all to bed! Im so sorry you had such a crappy visit with a vet!

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That vet is a quack! I do wings and nails at my work for 5 bucks a year, so how this Vet can justify $90 for a botched job is beyond me. It's not hard to clip nails and not have them bleed everywhere, and everyone knows you never clip just one wing. I'm guessing that the vet didn't do bloodwork, so it wasn't even a full screening. I took my Elmo to the vet that sees the birds at the store and I paid in total $118 for blood work, stool samples on all 11 of my birds...I brought in finch poop...and an exam. I may have gotten a little bit of a discount due to my ties with the pet store, but I think all he did was not charge me for the finch poop tests. I have never had a vet talk to me in that manner in all my years of owning animals and I don't know what I would have done if a vet did talk to me the way that bi*ch talk to you. I would never take my animals to that vet again...the drive would be worth it.

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Yeah, it sucks big time, but it is just money and I learned my lesson...I'm not even going to go through the trouble to not pay them b/c I don't want to deal w/ any collections problems...trust me, I work for my parents and they are State Marshals and the last thing I need is to do a wage garnishment against myself! She is a real "you know what" and I absolutely will NEVER go back there!

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Wow! I am so sorry = My job charges 4 bucks for wings and nail clipping and they never make them bleed. I would have smacked her around a little bit cut her nails really short and sent her packing. That is a vet that I can't stand only in it for the money and to milk people and they really don't know or care too much about what they are doing. I would call and report her to someone and tell them how rude she was and how she made your baby bleed. I would ask for a partial if not full refund for the treatment and service you received. I am sure she has to have a boss or someone you can complain to. Sorry you had to go through that =(


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