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How do i get bird upside down etc......


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Ok , so ive had my 12 year old grey for about a month and a half now and we have a faboulous relationship.he bonded to me and allows me to pick him up touch his wings, rub his head and back and even just leave my hand on his back as long as im watching his body launguage.( when hes destracted with a foot-toy i can be really touchy) Now,I wnt him to be able to go outside with me and I dont want to clip him so I bought this feather tether.How do i get him to allow me to handle him ( like pick him up by his body )etc without freaking out.id like to be able to put him on h is back etc but grabbing him is like violating him.Help !~

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I have managed to do that recently with our boy. I just waited until he was ready to do it. So he hangs upside down on his toys and I gently put my hand on his back, never grabbing him. I also stroke his belly and under his wings. I did this for ages. We then progressed to my shoulder and I would rest my hand gently on his back and I would tip upside down. You can tell from the feel of him if he is into it, if not don't force it. Now we are on the hand. So he sits on my hand and holds on tight to my fingers and he then decides to flip unside down on my hand. I never force him to go upside down on my hand I always make sure it is his decision. When he is ready to come back up he just flaps his wings and he is up right again.

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Well my husband did it with our 12 year old Quaker, but much smaller beak lol. It did take him a little work. He got her used to being on her back like Joe said and than just started here recently when he saw Joe and his video lol. She isn't 100% used to it yet but she's getting there. Me unfortunately I am not trying this just yet with SweetHeart lol. We are just learning that scratches to the neck actually feel good lol

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Well thank you Joe! I was wondering who gave me that!! I have to say though all my guts soo to speak with my sweetheart have come from you lol. I am one of those determined people, where I don't let anyone or anything walk on me, and seeing what you do with yours just makes me want her to love me lol. She does like me more now, and slowly one day we will get to "hanging around" lol. But thanks to you! Karma back at ya!

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I think that this is something you need to come to slowly. You have only had your baby for 1.5 months, it may be a little early for your baby to trust you enough to get on his back. Not to mention some Greys will never tolerate that. They aren't really known for being big on being on the backs (caiques and some Poice. do like it). There are of course some that do, but yours may not. There is a sticky in one of the forums about how to train them to use the harness. I would start slowly with those steps and don't rush. You have developed a great bond with your fid very quickly and you don't want to ruin that with pushing new things too hard. Hope this helps you!;)

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Thanks for the advice, I think I will slow down a bit with him.I just really wanted to be able to take him outside because as warmer weather approaches I am likely to be on the move and not spen as much time in the house.If he is able to go wiht me then we can have out time together much easier.Thanks,

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I completely agree with you Rick! I was wanting to take sweetheart out as well! She is only 10 months now and it has taken her the whole 4 months here with us to just start letting us do neck rubs. So it may take a little bit for your baby to get used to everything! Trust me it takes time! As for just taking him outside, I don't know if yours is clipped or not, just be careful because clipped or not they can catch the wind and sail away. That is why like Muse suggested that you go ahead with maybe trying to start with the harness. But don't get discouraged, everything takes time and tons of training! Good luck to you! I am in the same boat!! Joe had told me to start with just putting him on your shoulder and bringing him to the door with the screen shut, just so he can get familiar to the outside sounds. That would be a great start for you!

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I too want to bring Greyce out so bad!! I've been taking her out in her carrier some. But, I am too chicken even with a wing clip to let her out with out some sort of insurance. I've heard about too many birds get spooked and catch a breeze. I can't even give her scratches yet. But, I know that forcing things and ruining the progress we've made just isn't worth it. Despite the fact I want so badly for her to enjoy the outside. I have dreams of harness training her and letting her fly....hopefully we will get there and we have a whole life time to do so. Good luck Rickster - you too Ronda!!!

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Ronda477 wrote:

She is only 10 months now and it has taken her the whole 4 months here with us to just start letting us do neck rubs. So it may take a little bit for your baby to get used to everything! Trust me it takes time!


Ronda, please don't take this the wrong way but I have to say I really feel sorry for you. You have so many birds and so much experience, and you wanted Sweetheart so badly. It must break your heart to watch what we can do with our Greys, and you are still struggling to pet her. I think you have amazing patience and are an inspiration to the rest of us.



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  • 2 weeks later...

here is another tip - first, place the bird on your hand in such a way that one of the legs is held surely with your thumb, but make sure you bird is comfotable with it. second, place your hand on top of the bird, as if your bird is already on your palm, but in reversed position. third, turn both you hands 180 degrees and immediately back. practice this several times. Finally, after the bird feels comfortable, you can remove your hand.

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One thing i dont see in all the advice i think would help is to also practice putting you finger over your birds feet as to secure it in the upside down position,remember an oz. of prevention is worth a pound of cure,imagine the lost trust of a dropped bird on its head ,,,ouch Try luring your bird into position with bits of its favorite treat, holding it over and slighty behind his head forcing him to hold his head back to get the treat..Sam:silly:

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Thats good advice Fletcher. :-)


As others have said, slow and easy on this one. Just keep trying it everyday, or perhaps, if your Grey is sitting on your lap for example at night snuggling where they feel completely safe and secure. Just slowly try rolling your Grey over on it's back.

Then it will naturally flail it's feet to right itself. Place your finger(s) in his feet and gently lift up. They will hang upside down just suspended from your finger(s) and let them be able to lightly touch your leg or Arm underneath with their beak, so they know they can get down easily and safely.


This is how we got Dayo conditioned to laying on his back and hanging upside down from our hands. Hope this helps. :-)

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Update: Ive been working with with chico and a babies fleece blanket for his towel.He pitched an awful fit the first few times but i keot using the towel to rub his tummy and eventually m,y fingers and now he will lay there even after i partially remove the towel and close his eyes.Ive also got him where I can hold his feet with my thumbs now so now i just need to out these motions togther :whistle:

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  • 6 months later...

right !! i know this thread was ;ast posted too ages ago but my questio is how do i get monty to stay the right way up:laugh: :blink: :woohoo: he is alwys flipping over .. sure he's half bat:whistle: he just did it all by hims self when he was ready now i cant stop him, its quite scary sometimes and can get you bu supprise so you always have to be ready with your other hand under his back just incase:blink: :unsure: ;) xxx

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