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Advice on molting.


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Can someone explain the process of molting to me please. Charlie is 9 months old. I have noticed feathers coming out over the last couple of weeks but when I came home today there must have been about 20 feathers in the cage and when he was preening they seemed to be coming out all over.We have had a lot of stress with the earthquake we had and Charlie lost all his primary flight feathers in one wing and cant fly any more. He has been a changed bird since then, I am worried he could have started plucking. They are the larger body feathers not the baby ones. :unsure:

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Check the feathers to see if they looked like they have been chewed off or pulled out, if not then he is probably starting thru a molt. But I can understand that he has been stressed out over the earthquake and it will take some time for him to settle down and be comfortable. But check the feathers first before jumping to the conclusion that he may be plucking and let us know what you find out.

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