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LuLu needs a home


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I need to find LuLu a suitable home. She needs more than I am able to give her. She is plucking her feathers all over again. I cannot afford anymore medical bills as I am dealing with my own and now my husband's medical bills as well. LuLu just deserves better and I am devastated. She grows new feathers in and within a few days starts plucking them out again. I had treated her for giardia but I am not sure if the antibiotics worked as I cannot afford to take her back to the vet again. Each visit is costing me at least $125-$175. I am out of work and out of antibiotic but when she was on it, it seems to be working. I don't know what else to do and I don't want LuLu to be in any distress so I want her to have a better home life than my pocketbook is going to be able to give her.

I don't know what else to do and I love LuLu too much to let it go on like this. If there is anyone out there interested in giving LuLu a home that can give her the love, attention and care she needs, I need to know that LuLu is going to be provided for. She matters to much to just let this continue on like this.



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Birds pluck for many reasons. Have you tried extra baths? Aloe added to food or in the bath water? Preening toys? Moving the cage?

Seems to me if you think the bird still has Guardia that the vet should just renew the meds. Also that is caused by a bug in the water so I would start boiling your water your bird drinks or use bottle watered.

Well not tetracycline work for Guardia? Or maybe some other over the counter drug?

I would hope you being out of work is just temporary and would hate for you to give up your bird over it.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2008/03/03 19:13

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I too would hate for you to have to give up Lulu, Kathy, I understand your plight but if there is any way possible you can keep her I would. I know I could not give my precious Josey up for anything. Do you have any family members who could chip in and help with expenses?


Have you tried the suggestions that Tari gave you, maybe one of them will help her but if the meds were helping her then she should continue with them.


I just hate to see you have to give her up and you need her right now as much as she needs you, this won't be easy on her either to have to go to another home, could make her situation worse. Please exhaust all possibilities before you decide to do something that you may regret for the rest of your life.


I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts and prayers that you both are well and that Lulu gets to stay with the family that loves her.

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I'm very sorry to hear that! I will keep you and your husband in my thoughts as well.


I was looking for another Grey and if you were to ever decide to get rid of her, please contact me. I am home all the time and we have a good family here that could give lots of love! But I hope you can somehow find a way to keep her! That has to be hard on you! Good Luck with your choices and I hope it turns out for the good!

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That's sad that you may have to rehome Lulu :(. I'm sure the decision is quite heartbreaking, but it sounds like you've been hit hard financially. It would be great if you could work something out with someone on the board, like Ronda. Sweetheart and Lulu may enjoy each others company and make good sisters

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Thank you soo much Spooky! SweetHeart is young still and I don't think it would take too long for her to like another bird because for one she was raised with a whole bunch of other birds including macaws and other grey's so I know she loves other birds. But again just hope that maybe there is a way that she can still keep Lulu, but that is awefully cute! Lulu she would fit here in the country very well! lol I just hope you find what is best for you! That's all we can do on this end and give you as much support as we can.

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Know what you mean with vet bills, do that with my parrot as well. Ask your vet for advice about what you should do, and if there are cheaper ways of treating her....


As for rehoming her I would do that as last resort, sometimes birds pluck feathers not due to medical reasons but to more emotional.


If you do rehome her, take your time, make sure its very good home for her, and they are well educated with parrots and will give her medical needs she will need.


Wish you luck, hope you find a way to keep her

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