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Take the bird or leave him behind?


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Hello, all,


I'm in a quandry. I'm going to be traveling to visit my parents for my father's 83rd birthday. They are a 16-hour drive from my home, which I'll be doing in two 8-hour days.


I have the choice of putting Oliver in his travel cage in the back of my SUV and taking him with me, or leaving him behind to be cared for by the pet sitter. The pet sitter is the man Oliver has decided is his competition, the person he hates most in the world. He will be coming in two times a day to feed the dogs (and Oliver if he's here) and a third time to put them to bed. Although Oliver treats him with contempt, he would love nothing more than to hold Oliver on his finger.


To add to the mix, my 3 year old granddaughter will be traveling with me, and when we get where we're going my neices and nephews will be excited to meet Oliver and may not understand his stand-offish-ness (although they will probably back off once one of them has a first-hand experience with the beak).


Any advice? I'm sure there are things I'm not considering, but at the moment I'm thinking it would be best to take him with me.

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Well that long trip could be stressful...but if you think he would do good then take him with!! But Im sure he would do fine with the sitter too!! Its really up to you and what you think is best for Oliver!! I have taken my birds on trips but never more than a 3 hour drive..they did fine and seemed to enjoy it!! Birds like adventure too, im just not sure with that long of a ride!! Good luck!

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I'd say take him with you if you are going to be gone more than a few days and since it is a 16 hour drive you more than likely are going to be gone for a week or more.


I would be a little reluctant to leave him at home with someone who treats him with contempt and that you think would try to get him out to handle him, that would probably result in a nasty bite and maybe have Oliver stressed out over it too.


I think you can handle the little ones who will be excited to see him by explaining that they need to keep a distance so they don't get hurt. I think Oliver will enjoy traveling with you and seeing new people.


I would let him ride in his carrier with some food, water and a couple of toys to keep him busy. When I travel and take Josey with me she rides in her travel cage, I don't get her out to sit on me and you shouldn't either since you will have a 3 year old with you, what if she rolled the window down and Oliver got out, I shudder to think.


So in my opinion take him with you, you will enjoy having his company and he will get to meet new people and I think he will be less stressed that way.

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Thanks for the advice, Judy and MommaFawkes. I need to defend the pet sitter, though. He doesn't treat Oliver with contempt -- he adores Oliver. Oliver treats HIM with contempt and refuses to have anything to do with him. I wouldn't be suprised if Oliver refused to eat just because the food was provided by this person. And yes, I'll be gone 7 days. I'm trying to balance out which is worse -- the long hard drive there and back or the long week with the only break in isolation being 15-20 minutes 3 times a day with someone Oliver doesn't like.

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She did Tiffani, I misread her post, Oliver treats the man with contempt but she said he would love nothing better than to get him out and hold him so in my book that makes him untrustworthy.


Yes 16 hours is a long trip but I think he can handle it, maybe another member has taken their grey for a long car trip and can share their experience with us. Josey has been on 4+ hour trips and did just fine and I think she could handle longer ones if necessary.

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If I were in your place I would take the bird with me. I would be too afraid to leave him at home with someone he doesn't like. This may cause more stress than the long car ride. =( I would be worried to come home to a sick bird. Plus I think he will be every excited to take a long trip to a new place with his mommy. The only other option you have if you don't take him is finding someone he does like to watch over him.

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Yes, I'm leaning that way, too. The only other people he knows are making the same trip I am, so it's either this person Oliver doesn't like or pay a pet sitter he's never met about $250 for the week to pop in a few minutes 3 times a day. I know I would have better peace of mind if I take him with me. I guess I needed some objective viewpoints because I don't want to make the decision based on what's best for me, but base it on what's best for Olvier.

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I would rather leave him home if it were me, as he at least knows his surroundings and IF you could find someone else to care for him, it would be better. I do know of that Ceasarsdad, one of our admins is at this very moment driving to Florida from NY. So far Ceasar, (his grey) has logged 660 miles just today. He seems to be doing ok, but it is very stressful for a grey, they don't really know what's happening and where they will be going. Plus when you get him there, it will be all new surroundings which can be quite stressful.

Just another opinion to consider. :dry:

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Wow, I didn't know CD was making a trip with Ceasar. I won't be leaving until next Saturday (March 8) and would be interested in hearing how Caesar adapts. Wonder if CD will be online, or will you be in contact with him?

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I am in contact with him daily, he is moving, thus the trip with Ceasar. They are still driving, they left this am. Ceasar is mostly confused and stressed because he watched the movers come in his home and pack everything up and take it out including his cage.Tthen he spent 2 days at another house, now he has been in the car all day. He is not in a travel cage, just hanging out in Frank's coat with him as he is driving. So he has been quite tressed over it all. He still has a big adjustment once he gets to Fl, a new house, etc. :dry:

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He would probably travel better if he was in a travel cage, Josey does just fine in hers but the trips are only 4 hours long. But he didn't have much choice but to do it this way, he has to get his vehicles down there and the birds so what choice did he have, Kat has a choice.

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You are absolutely right Judy. He had no other choice. Ceasar will be fine once he gets into his new home, he will adjust nicely, I'm sure.


And yes, Kat has a choice, which I have already stated my opinion. ;)<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/03/02 04:22

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Kat a tough decision to make,there are obviously pros & cons for both choices,stay at home in familiar surroundings but with someone he dislikes ? if so leave the TV or radio on for company during the day, or travel with you, unfamiliar situation, long journey, stress ? Either way it's tough, persoanlly id leave him at home but thats my opinion ;)

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Greetings everyone,


Well, I'm going to be making the Maryland - Florida drive myself at the end of March, and Bella and Jiggy will be in their Avian "hotels" from Avian Adventures. I've found that is the best way to transport either one of them. What I've also found is that Bella seems to put more emphasis on being with me then being in a specific location.


So, if it were me Kat, I think I'd be taking Oliver along. I mean don't birds migrate to other areas? Wouldn't it be kind of like a migration? :woohoo:




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LOL I need more votes! So far I have people I trust suggesting I take him and people I trust suggesting I leave him.


My biggest reason for not wanting to leave him is that if he stays home he won't be able to leave his cage for 7 days because even if the sitter does agree to stay at my house for an hour or two each evening I doubt Oliver would let him/her, whether my friend or a paid sitter, close enough to put him back in his cage when that's needed. And of course he can't stay out of his cage when no one is there to watch him. Since I'm his 3rd home, at least, I really don't want to take him anywhere for boarding because he might think he's being re-homed again.


Take him -- stress of long trip and strange surroundings.


Leave him with sitter - he stays in cage for 7 days.


Board him - issues related to multiple re-homings may surface.


I welcome all thoughts on this!

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Well as I have already stated I would take him along, sure it is a long trip but the alternative is leaving him at home to stay in the cage with no outings and by being with you that should solve the thought that he might be rehomed again, he would be with you all the time. It is a tough decision to make and ultimately is yours to make but if I were you this is what I would do.

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I might as well throw in my tuppence worth. I have left Liath twice for 7 days each time. I left her at home. My family were here, but none of them can handle her so she did stay in the cage for the whole 7 days. The only difference was that my family were here more than 5 minutes at a time and she was very familiar with them.


Liath was absolutely fine and was delighted to see me when I returned. However I didnt have a choice, I was going to the Uk so I couldnt have brought her with me.



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Hi Katb - My vote is he will fair better being with you and the new surroundings, than he will by himself 22 hours a day and 2 spent with a stranger.


The trip will probably end up being an enjoyable adventure for you both. :-)

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Thanks, everybody, for the reality checks. I think I will take him with me. I just don't think I could enjoy myself for worrying about the bird I left behind. And I do think he would enjoy seeing new things. I'll just be sure to keep a cage cover nearby in case anything appears to spook him.


Now, does anyone have any advice for the trip?

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Guest briansmum

i know i'm a bit late here, but my opinion is this : if you can take them, then take them. if you're confident enough to travel with him and you'll be able to spend a fair amount of time with him when you get where you're going then he'll probably enjoy the adventure too.


although the journey will be stressful he will be with you, compared to being without you for a week, which will also lead to a lot of stress.


at the end of the day, all they want is to be with the one person they love more than their little hearts can express.

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KatB wrote:

"at the end of the day, all they want is to be with the one person they love more than their little hearts can express."


Aw, that melted my heart :kiss:



And I guess that seals the deal, Kat, and Beccy said that so well, she knows her stuff.

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