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Gone for the weekend?


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Ok everyone probably knows by now the progress I have finally made with SweetHeart. My question is, my husband Jessie is wanting to go visit his family for a long weekend. Leaving on a Friday and coming back on Monday morning. I can't take her cage with me cause it's too big. So if I were to take her with me, and not so sure she would like that anyway cause we haven't put her back in her carrier since that horrifying plane ride so she may freak out again. So....


If I can get my brother to come over and house sit, do you think she will be ok? Cause the problem is, I wouldn't trust him with the dogs being here to take her out of her cage and do our usual routine.


Should I just stay home and stay with her? I can I guess if it's going to cause her too much stress or push us back in the progress we have made. We haven't been to see his parents in almost 2 years! They have been here but we haven't been there. Please tell me what you think???????

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Hi Ronda,

I know you have just made some significant progress with Sweetheart and you would find it difficult to leave at this point, but in all fairness to yourself, your husband, and his parents, are you going to put the next 50 years on hold for Sweetheart and never leave? Is that also being fair to your husband and his parents (espcially if you haven't been there in 2 years)?

I am sure Sweetheart will be fine for a few days with your brother watching over him. Have him come in a few times first so Sweetheart can become familiar and comfortable with him. And in the end, who knows, when you come back, maybe Sweetheart will feel even more close to you (distance makes the heart grow fonder).


Anyone else have an opinion?

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I agree with Imme, you can't put your life on hold for Sweetheart even though you have just had a major breakthrough with her. She will be fine as long as you have your brother come in a few times so she will be more comfortable with him being there.


I have left Josey before for a few days and even for a week and she was fine when I got back, she might be a little ticked off at first or she might be glad to see you, it just depends but the main thing is she will be ok with it.


Go visit his parents, enjoy yourself, call and check on her for I know you will and then come back and get back into the usual routine, its the best thing for you and for her.:P

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LOL Joe but no more shipping for my poor baby! That 13 hour flight was long enough to last for her lifetime!


But thanks guys/gals!!!


His parents always come here about 3-5 times a year, we just haven't been there in some time! I thought it would be really nice to surprise them! His parents are just awesome and I really didn't want to stay home by myself either lol.


So thank you all! I think here soon before we get our other little addition (Goffin baby Casper) we will be taking off soon for the weekend.


BTW we are looking at around April 18th to get our baby Goffin! That's right after my B-Day and Our 13th Anniversary!!!

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lol I don't know Judy about the 13th lol. I know it's bad luck for some, and what scares me is we have done soo very good these last 13 that I hope it doesn't jinx us lol. As for this coming weekend, no we are maybe looking at the following weekend. The kids go on spring break here so no one will miss school! Of course we can still meet! You just name the when and where and I'll be there!

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I am not superstitious either but I was born on a 13th but not on Friday but it does occur on a Friday this year, the only one the whole year long. Good then we can meet next Saturday if the good lord is willing and the creeks don't rise.:P

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Too bad you aren't in Atlanta Ronda, I'd watch her for you if you were.


I would say you really only have two options for your family's sanity.


1. Look into a qualified pet sitter, I don't know about where you are but here in Atlanta we have several that are qualified to do birds as well. You may even call your vet and see if they have any recommendations.


2. Is to like someone else said, have your brother come and visit so she can get to know her. And just tell him what he can and can't do. And tell him why he can't do the things you don't want him to. Then give him a detailed, but simple form of what needs to be done everyday. A list of the absolute don'ts and of course your vets number just in case. I usually include a check off sheet for each day so their isn't any confusion.


I know it's hard to leave!! I am trying to figure out a way to visit my friends and bring lily and greyce both. I wish they made some two compartment carry on carrier for animals LOL

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Oh go and have fun and your birds will be fine!! Trust me! I go out of town for the weekend at least once a month!! Sometimes I have a bird sitter sometimes I just stock up their food and water and go!! But guess what they are all ok when I get home...and they even still love me!! LOL!!! have fun girl!!

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Tiffani, you are so right, we do need to get away from time to time and yes sometimes we do just have to leave plenty of food and water and go. I don't do that very often but if its necessary to do so then I will, and they are ok when I get back, just glad to see me.:laugh:

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Ok ok girls you talked me into it! LOL


But no Muse here in WV the people around here just say "Throw some extra feed to the chickens and hogs and go!" There are no such things as pet sitters around here lol. I seriously live in a very country place. The closest neighbor is a mile away and we live at the top of a Mountain with a 200 foot drop off in front. And trees all around us.


As for my brother he has always done the pet sitting before. We have 5 dogs, 3 cats, 10 chickens, 8 Guineas, 1 Duck, 3 birds/parrots, 1 rabbit & 3 horses! So as it is there are already a ton for him to keep up with lol. He is extremely overwhelmed when I get back. And he has NO animals himself lol. So if I were to go, all my birds would have to stay in their cages just cause I know he would forget and fall asleep or leave the room or something and than that could be really bad! So he said he would come over and thank god I have the cages that just have the little feed doors that open. Cause our Quaker used to attack him all the time when he was trying to change her water lol.


So I guess I should just be lucky he is willing to come to all this chaos! But I will go, I think they will be fine. If not they will have to forgive me eventually lol. I am the one to feed all of them!

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Now thats interesting that your brother will come and housesit for you and feed and take care of all the animals but he does not own any himself, because he must like them or he wouldn't do it.


But you go and enjoy yourself and I'll bet Sweetheart will be so glad to see you when you come home that all will be forgiven and then you will feel better about it the next time you go away.

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You are right!! they will get over it!! The worst I ever had happen while I was out of town was this summer when my cat had her first litter of kittens...she decided to move them while we wer gone and one fell inder the heat vent in the floor boards!! I had to take the whole heat thing off and cut a big hole in the floor and then I barely got him out!! But he made it and all the birds were good too!! I was actually gone for 4 days that time too!!:blink:

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Well good! I was finally for the first time getting to give her head scratches! Hopefully she will still let me! I love spending time with his parents! And it is back to our hometown, so a bunch of friends we haven't seen either for about 6 years!!! We never seem to have enough time to see everyone. So hopefully we will get to see some!

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