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My 8 month old is potty trained


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I am so excited, my Diego is going to the bathroom on command. Whenever he went to the bathroom, my husband and I made a big deal saying, " Good boy, make your poop" LOL and now, I just hold him over a paper towel and say make your poop, and he does. Sometimes we have to say it several times but he always goes. We are so happy, I was getting sick of cleaning poop off my clothes and furniture, LOL. :laugh:

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I will have to try that, actually sweetheart was trained before coming to me, to poop over a trash can first thing in the morning. But I had read somewhere other than here, that there have been birds get backed up and have some major problems because they only pooped when their owners told them to, and than when their owners weren't around they still never went. But I'm sure that there are not that many cases like that. They probably had a dumb bird lol.

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Guest briansmum

yes you have to be careful not to over train, i.e. they can only go in a certain place, because they will hold it and if you miss taking them to their poop place it could hurt them


however designating poop places, or having a poop command can work well


brian knows he is only supposed to "go poopie" on his playstand (which has newspaper underneath) or in his cage. and if i see him doing the 'poop dance', stop him and point him in the direction of his stand he will fly over and do his business there. thats not to say we dont have the odd accident lol.


i did this my simply picking him up and putting him on his stand when i saw he was about to go poopie, so now he will take himself there willingly

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