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Current Favorite Toys


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Just wanted to share some of my bird's current favorite toys. I'm running out of toys to keep her occupied and I was hoping others could post their grey's favorite toys (and maybe where you bought them):


Here are my bird's favs:




The Treasure Chest by Nature's chest


A wiffle ball with wing nuts and bolts in the holes


Empty glide dental floss containers (without the metal piece and without the floss)

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My birds Love all kinds of toys!!! Ill post links to a few...


http://www.petco.com/product/6599/Pet-Ag-Pink-Parrot-Kladders.aspx Kladders


http://www.petco.com/product/11218/Avian-Select-Acrylic-Parrot-Toys.aspx perch thingy...Fawkes loves this!

http://www.bird.com/itemdy00.asp?T1=511077+001'>http://www.bird.com/itemdy00.asp?T1=511077+001 this one is good to keep them busy!


http://www.bird.com/itemdy00.asp?T1=511077+001 I will never go with out these!!!



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My grey loves her dice bell toy. She has had it for very long time. She also loves foot toys, and musical toys


My Quaker on the other hand loves only one toy really, its his shiny basic bell toy, looks kind of boring, some reason she loves that thing, and never likes parting with it.



Toys you might want to try are musical, things help with forging, and I know 8 beaks has really good toys, all kinds as well.

There is also educational toys out there, if you are willing to shop online there are so many to choice from.


I know my grey loves things that are bright colored, can be shredded, or can be throw around.

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Thanks everyone! Tiff those are some great links! I will be getting some new toys here real soon. I'm sure with the cockatoo we will be getting he will really go through some toys lol. I have a bunch right now for SweetHeart, but you can never have too many to switch out!

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