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New Cage


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I just had to share this with people who will appreciate it. I just got my gray a new cage today and it is so amazing. It is 38x48x64 and she loves it. My finace` just carries on about how big it is and how much space it is taking up. But when I put her in it today she started talking like crazy and climbing all around she loves it! It makes me so happy to see her happy. Now she has a huuuge cage with a playtop and all she she can climb around and get exercise. I thought I would share this with others who share this same excitement as I do seeing their birds happy. :) How big are all of your cages and how did your gray react when being put in her new home?

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yeh, I was worried she would be scared but she loooved it she went from a 20x20 cage to this huuuge thing and she absolutely loves it. She is more talkative then ever and I am so happy. :) I got it for a great price to. Everywhere I looked they were 800 or 600 bucks but I got mine for 350 on Ebay and I am so happy with it :)

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Well you got a good deal then, usually most greys would have to get used to it before going in and using it, you are lucky that she took to it right away. She must love it, she just needed a bigger space to talk more, she thinks she has a bigger audience in a bigger cage.:laugh:

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My friend had been trying to get me to not buy the cage. She said it was too big and she would hurt herself but when I did research everywhere I looked they said the same thing, there is no such thing as too big. So I went with the biggest one I could find. I have 5 toys in there now and like 10 more out to switch every week. She loves everything. I have this toy for her that she has to spin these little balls around the circle and she plays with it a lot she will spin the ball and when it goes around she will yell woo hoo lol. She is so great and I love to spoil her. If anyone on here wants to get a new cage or bigger cage like I did I will be more than happy to send the ling from where I got it. Now that I see this big cage there is plenty of room for her to have a friend ;) lol

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No that's not the one I have. Mine looks like a Yo-Yo but instead of the string it has two tracks side by side that have little marble sized balls that spin around, but that one is adorable too :) they love mind toys as the girl at my job calls them. Things that make them think. But I would say that that toy would be the same concept as the one I have :)





This is the link to the cage for all of those interested in it :D The seller is trust worthy and they shipped it really fast. I got mine in less than a week and I think that is amazing!

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Yes Ebay is a great great place to buy a cage from! I too just bought one for our Goffin baby that will be coming home soon and I got it for only $175 with shipping! And it has the play top on it as well! I love those kind! SweetHeart has a bigger one than I just got the Goffin, but I am home all day long and they are never in their cages except for at night.


I'm sure your baby is just loving it by the way she is acting and showing off for you! That is great! Thanks for sharing!!

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:) yep how big was the one you got for 175? I love ebay for that reason. I work at a pet store and I know how much they pay for the item and then how much they charge it is like a 100% mark up I mean don't get me wrong if I had the money I would just buy it there but I don't. The way I see it the 500 bucks I saved on the cage can now go to food and toys and lots of other things for my baby like a great play stand I found..I must share that link as well I think it is great!


Here it is:



I love this thing This is what I am going to get her next :D

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I feel bad because we have a smaller cage, but we just couldn't afford one of the monstrosities. It's not tiny, she can still climb up and down and can spread her wings, but that's about it. Thankfully she doesn't spend much time in it right now, and hopefully we will be able to afford something bigger soon. :)


Ahh parental guilt.

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aww don't feel guilty I couldn't afford a big one either at first. Your baby knows you love her either way. Just keep your eye out on ebay they have some really good deals on there. You can even build your own cage if you have the extra time. I have seen some great plans for cages. If you would like I can do some research and find you a nice one. I only bought the monster cage because I am at work most of the day so I wanted her to have her space, but the cage she had would have been ok if I were home most of the day, which I wish I were...=

aaanyway, lol if you really wanted to get one of the cages you can even apply for a paypal buyer credit card you pay 20 bucks a month it has low interest and no interest for 12 months...:D

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Oh Hannah don't feel bad at all! Trust me I can't get a real big cage either! The one I have for sweetheart is a little bigger than this one.


This one is 32x23x36 and has 6 feed bowls! And a play top that comes off to bring from room to room! It's not huge by any means, but being they are only in there at night it's big enough.


Here is the link I got mine from on ebay.



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Yes they do have very good deals on there Dan! And the cages from WPIC trading I think it is, where I got mine from, have some good sizes too and pretty cheap as you can see I didn't spend that much on mine at all and that was with shipping! And I got it here, and have to say that it isn't cheaply made at all either. It's nice and strong.

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Oh wow! $35 was a great deal! I love it when they go out of business! I got our corner cage for our quaker which is really too big for her and sweetheart's cage which is pretty good size all for $300. Sweetheart's cage alone was suppose to be more than that. There are plenty of good deals as long as you don't need the cage tomorrow! lol

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